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Instruction manual
Thank you for purchasing Tangent loudspeakers. You have just purchased one of the
best domestic hi loudspeakers available and we hope you will enjoy the music they
reproduce for many years to come. The following notes are designed to assist you in
obtaining a greater degree of musical satisfaction from your Tangent loudspeakers.
Before connecting your loudspeakers, we suggest that you read this leaets carefully.
Amplier capacity - power handling
Your Tangent loudspeaker system will operate satisfactorily with any good amplier
designed for use with an 4-8 Ohm impedance load. Although Tangent loudspeakers are
designed to handle high power loadings, you must remember that any loudspeaker that
is abused with excessive use of volume, tone controls and graphic equalisers is likely to
cause damage to the drive-units. Be careful especially with small ampliers constantly
driven on high power levels as these may be liable to go into „clipping mode“ and
distort the signal causing possible damage. If you hear a distorted signal through the
loudspeakers you must reduce the power level.
Connecting to your amplier
Some of the Tangent loudspeakers are supplied with cables, however we strongly
recommend the use of high quality speaker cables, colour coded or grooved cables are
recommended to assist checking polarity, your local dealer should be able to advise
you on this point. Always switch OFF your amplier before making any connections or
adjustments to the system. Wire the right-hand channel cable so that the positive (RED)
terminal of your loudspeaker is connected to the positive (RED) on your amplier, and
the negative (BLACK) terminal of your loudspeaker is connected to the negative (BLACK)
terminal on your amplier. Repeat the instructions for the left-hand channel. Do NOT
connect more than one loudspeaker to one terminal on your amplier.
Providing that you have followed the connecting instruction correctly the loudspeakers
should be in phase and provide solid stereo images. If however, you have any doubt as
to the phasing of the loudspeakers, try reversing the connections (RED & BLACK) to ONE
of the loudspeakers, and play a recording which has plenty of deep bass operating both
loudspeakers simultaneously with the stereo amplier switched to „mono“. The correct
polarity is indicated by rm full bass, when incorrect, the bass will be noticeably much
Loudspeaker positioning
Ideally the Tangent loudspeakers should be positioned at least 50 cm from a rear wall, 1
meter from a side wall and at least 2 metres apart. The space between the two loud-
speakers and the distance form the listeners are important. If loudspeakers are placed
too close together or too far apart, stereo images will not be fully developed. In average
living rooms, speaker spacing between 2 and 4 metres will usually produce satisfactory
results. The listeners distance from the loudspeakers should be at least equal to and
preferably greater than the distance between the loudspeakers. Tests should be made
with both speech and music before deciding upon nal locations.
No routine attention is required to the working parts of the loudspeakers and being very
reliable Tangent loudspeakers rarely require service. Any service problems should in the
rst instance be referred to your dealer.

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