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H5R & H5E AV500 Hybrid Wi-Fi Starter Kit
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Appendix D: Glossary
¾ 802.11a - an amendment to the IEEE 802.11 wireless local network specifications that
defined requirements for an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)
communication system. It uses the same core protocol as the original standard, operates in
5 GHz band, and uses a 52-subcarrier OFDM with a maximum raw data rate of 54 Mbit/s.
¾ 802.11n - 802.11n builds upon previous 802.11 standards by adding MIMO (multiple-input
multiple-output). MIMO uses multiple transmitter and receiver antennas to allow for increased
data throughput via spatial multiplexing and increased range by exploiting the spatial diversity,
perhaps through coding schemes like Alamouti coding. The Enhanced Wireless Consortium
(EWC) was formed to help accelerate the IEEE 802.11n development process and promote a
technology specification for interoperability of next-generation wireless local area networking
(WLAN) products.
¾ 802.11b - The 802.11b standard specifies a wireless networking at 11 Mbps using
direct-sequence spread-spectrum (DSSS) technology and operating in the unlicensed radio
spectrum at 2.4GHz, and WEP encryption for security. 802.11b networks are also referred to
as Wi-Fi networks.
¾ 802.11g - specification for wireless networking at 54 Mbps using direct-sequence
spread-spectrum (DSSS) technology, using OFDM modulation and operating in the
unlicensed radio spectrum at 2.4GHz, and backward compatibility with IEEE 802.11b devices,
and WEP encryption for security.
¾ DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name System) - The capability of assigning a fixed host and domain
name to a dynamic Internet IP Address.
¾ DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) - A protocol that automatically configure the
TCP/IP parameters for the all the PC(s) that are connected to a DHCP server.
¾ DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) - A Demilitarized Zone allows one local host to be exposed to the
Internet for a special-purpose service such as Internet gaming or videoconferencing.
¾ DNS (Domain Name System) - An Internet Service that translates the names of websites into
IP addresses.
¾ Domain Name - A descriptive name for an address or group of addresses on the Internet.
¾ DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) - A technology that allows data to be sent or received over
existing traditional phone lines.
¾ ISP (Internet Service Provider) - A company that provides access to the Internet.
¾ MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) - The size in bytes of the largest packet that can be

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TP-LINK H5R AV500 Hybrid Wi-Fi Starter Kit Installatiehandleiding - English - 2 pagina's

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