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SH 510
Congratulaons to your new Smart home device, swisstone
SH 510. This Smart Wi-Fi window/door sensor detects and
reports opening and closing of doors and windows. Easily
installed on any door or window, the sensor triggers a signal
when parted. This lets you know when a room is entered, if
a window or a door has been le open or tampered, a push
nocaon will be reported to your smart phone.
1. Install the KAFO app
Download and install the app KAFO from Google Play or App
Store on your smartphone.
Compable devices
Android version 4.1 and later
iOS version 9.0 and later
2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network
2. Register/login on the KAFO APP
When rst opening the KAFO app, select to
a new
account or
if you already have an account.
Note! Be sure to remember the username and
password for later use with Amazon Echo or
Google Home integraon.
3. Product overview
1 21 3 4 5
1. Latch buon
2. LED
3. Reset buon
4. Tamper buon
5. Magnet
4. Placement
Place the sensor indoors at a temperature between
-10 and +40 °C.
The magnet has to be placed on that side of the sensor
which is marked with a small triangle. The triangles
should point each other.
The magnet and sensor also have to be aligned/
centered thickness-wise on as similar level as possible.
The sensor part should always be placed on the frame
to protect the electronics from heavy vibrations and
the magnet part on the door or window.
5. Mounting
1. Open the casing of the sensor by pushing the latch
buon on top of the device to remove the front.
2. Insert the 2 x AAA baeries respecng the polaries.
3. Clean the surface before mounng.
4. The sensor (a) should be mounted to the frame.
<10 mm
<10 mm
5. The magnet (b) should be mounted on the door/
window no further than 10 mm away from the
arrow on the sensor.
The sensor and magnet can be mounted with either:
6. Add device, Smart Setup Option
Note! Your mobile device must be connected to the same
Wi-Fi network as your SH 510 should be connected to.
Please also note that SH 510 only supports 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi
1. Mount the SH 510 according previous descripon. The
sensor must be within the Wi-Fi network range. Avoid
placing the SH 510 near potenal sources of radio signal
2. In the KAFO app, click
or + in the upper right
corner to add this new device.
3. Select the device type
Window Sensor
4. Make sure the light blinks
quickly, then click
indiacor rapidly blink
. , if not
press the Latch buon and
open the case, press the Reset
buon for about 5 seconds.
5. Select the same Wi-Fi your phone is connected to
and enter the password for that Wi-Fi, then click
6. When the app and the
device have found each
other, click to rename
the device to a suitable
unique name, e.g.
“Front door”.
7. When ready, click
to add the found device
to the device list in the
You can also click
Share to family
to share the device
with your family. Enter their KAFO account to share the
device control.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Swisstone SH 510

Swisstone SH 510 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

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