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Thank you for purchasing the URC20-F15DL universal remote control. It has 8
direct device buttons with LCD screen and features the largest infrared code library on
the European market. Based on our (patent pending) creative design, it has the easiest
and fastest way to “set up directly” by brand name and code no. through the LCD
screen even without the manual book.
The URC20-F15DL universal remote control covers almost all brands of
Televisions (TV), DVD-players (DVD), DVR-players (DVD), DVB (CBL/SAT), (digital)
Satellite receivers (CBL/SAT), Cable box (CBL/SAT), Video Recorders (VCR), Tuner
receivers (TUNER), Tape receivers (TAPE), CD-players (CD), Audio amplifiers (AMP)
and other Audio (AUX). It can operate all main functions of your devices.
You can also use “Auto Search” to scan the code library in case of you can’t find
your device brand in the list.
Besides, URC20-F15 can “learn” a new code from an original remote control to
supplement the codes in case of code shortage.
Show View” function scans all channels for you to have a program quick view.
“All off” function can switch off all your devices with one button.
“Macro” function makes several sequent operations with one button for your home
“Volume lock” can fix VOL+/VOL- button to control only the amplifier for your home
“Device lock” can prevent the device from being reset until you unlock it.
URC20-F15 has backlight for LCD screen and separate device backlight to show you
the currently working device.
“Low battery indication” reminds you when needed to replace the batteries.
“Device Alternation” allows you to set up any device to AUX. E.g. you can set up a
TV code to AUX and then you will have 2 TV device keys.
All the set up data will be stored in “back up memory” permanently, you don’t need to
be worry about data loss when you replace battery.
The F15DL also has “real time clock” to show your time and AM or PM.
All above mentioned functions show you the URC20-F15D is a advanced, very
powerful LCD universal remote control. Please read this user manual carefully prior to
using you new LCD remote control.
Code Assignment
Bank for Device Initial code Total of codes
TV TV 042 372
VCR VCR 115 170
CBL/SAT Satellite, Cable, DVB 045 323
DVD DVD, DVR 006 127
CD CD 098 120
TAPE TAPE 083 133
AUX AMP, LD 030 178

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