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nYou can say “Alexa, discover devices” to Echo, or you can also tap “Discover devices” on the app to
discover the smart devices.
nDiscovered devices will be shown in the list. (Note : Every time you change the name of devices on
Helo by Strong app, Echo must re-discover devices before taking control).
Now you can control your smart devices through Echo. You can use following commands to control
them (e.g., Plug1) :
nAlexa, turn on/off the Plug1
nAlexa, turn on the plug after 5 mins
Quick Guide of using Google Home
Sign in with Helo by Strong account, add the device, then change the name to an easily recognizable
word or phrase, like “BedroomPlug”, “Plug1”, etc.
Set up Google Home with Google Home App
1. Make sure your Google Home is energized.
2. Open the Google Home app by tapping the app icon on your mobile device.
3. Tap “ACCEPT” to agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Allow Google Home app to access
the device location to discover and set up nearby devices.
4. Tap “SIGN IN”, choose one of the Google account that you already logged in on your mobile device. Or
follow the instructions to sign in with a new Google account.
5. The Google Home app scans nearby devices that are energized and are ready to set up. Tap “SET UP”
to set up your Google Home.
6. When Google Home app is successfully connected to the Google Home device, tap “PLAY TEST
SOUND”, it will play a test sound to confirm you are connected to the right device. If you heard the test
sound, tap “I HEARD IT”.
7. Select the Room (ex : Living Room) where your Google Home is located. This helps you identify the
device when you want to cast to it. Choose the Wi-Fi network you want to connect to your Google
Home. To automatically fetch the password for this network on this device, tap “OK”, then the
password will populate in the password field. You can also manually enter your password. Then tap
8. In order for the Google assistant to answer your questions and to enjoy a personalized experience,
you must sign into your Google account, then tap “SIGN UP”. Choose the Google account you want to
link to your Google Home device, then tap “CONTINUE AS XXX”. Enter the address where this Google
Home is installed, and select your default music service.
9. Tap “SKIP TUTORIAL” to finish the setup. You can also tap “CONTINUE” to watch the Google Home
Link Helo by Strong account in Home Control
ATTENTION : Due to the Google Home app’s known bug, you could only use one Google account to
control “Home Control Action”, if you sign in Google Home app with several Google accounts.
Control your smart devices through Google Home
Now you can control your smart devices through Google Home. Take the Smart Wi-Fi Power Plug as the
example, the supported voice commands are as below :
nOk Google, turn on/off the smart plug.
nOk Google, turn on the smart plug after 5 mins.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Strong Helo PlusB Triple

Strong Helo PlusB Triple Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 14 pagina's

Strong Helo PlusB Triple Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 14 pagina's

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