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Cordless screwdriver
1. On/off switch
2. Switch for changing direction of rotation
3. Lamp
4. Lamp switch
WARNING! Read all instructions. Failure to follow all instruc-
tions listed below may result in electric shock, fire and/or seri-
ous injury.
Recharge only with the charger specified by the manufacturer.
A charger that is suitable for one type of battery pack may cre-
ate a risk of fire when used with another battery pack.
Use power tools only with specifically designated battery packs.
Use of any other battery packs may create a risk of injury and
Avoid damage that can be caused by screws, nails and other
elements in your workpiece; remove them before you start
Always check that the supply voltage is the same as the volt-
age indicated on the nameplate of the charger (chargers with
a rating of 230V or 240V can also be connected to a 220V
In case of electrical or mechanical malfunction, immediately
switch off the tool or unplug charger from power source
SBM Group can assure flawless functioning of the tool only
when original accessories are used
Use only accessories with an allowable speed matching at
least the highest no-load speed of the tool
This tool should not be used by people under the age of 16
Be careful not to drill or drive into areas where electrical wires
may be contacted
Do not touch the contacts in the charger
Do not expose tool/charger/battery to rain
Never charge battery outdoors
Store tool/charger/battery in locations where temperature will
not exceed 40° C or drop below 0° C
Batteries will explode in fire, so do not burn battery for any rea-
When damaged, and under extreme usage and temperature
conditions, batteries may start to leak
- if liquid comes into contact with the skin, wash quickly with
soap and water, then with lemon juice or vinegar
- if liquid gets into the eyes, flush eyes with clean water for a
minimum of 10 minutes and seek immediately medical atten-
When battery is not in tool or charger, it should be kept away
from metal objects such as nails, screws, keys etc. to prevent
Do not use charger when damaged; take it to one of the official-
ly registered SBM Group Service Stations for a safety check
Do not use battery when damaged; it should be replaced im-
Do not disassemble charger or battery
Do not attempt to recharge non-rechargeable batteries with the
Do not connect the blue (= neutral) or brown (= live) wire in
the cord of the charger to the earth terminal of the plug
If for any reason the old plug is cut off the cord of the charg-
er, it must be disposed of safely and not left unattended
To ensure longer service life and proper perform-
ance of the battery, take the following actions
when you start using new battery:
1. Use the new battery, without recharging it, till its complete
2. Then charge the battery for 5-7 hours.
3. Repeat abovementioned actions (1 and 2) 3-5 times to reach
the nominal battery capacity.
Make sure that the machine is not live when carry-
ing out maintenance work on the motor.
Regularly clean the machine housing with a soft cloth, preferably
after each use. Keep the ventilation slots free from dust and dirt.
If the dirt does not come off use a soft cloth moistened with soapy
water. Never use solvents such as petrol, alcohol, ammonia water,
etc. These solvents may damage the plastic parts.
The machine requires no additional lubrication.
Should a fault occur, e.g. after wear of a part, please contact your
local SBM Group dealer.
In order to prevent the machine from damage during transport,
it is delivered in a sturdy packaging. Most of the packaging ma-
terials can be recycled. Take these materials to the appropriate
recycling locations. Take your unwanted machines to your local
SBM Group dealer. Here they will be disposed of in an environ-
mentally safe way.
NiCd batteries can be recycled. Deliver them to a disposal
site for chemical waste so that they can be recycled or dis-
posed of in an environmentally friendly manner.

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