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1MS 170, MS 180, MS 180 C
English / USA
BA_SE_094_003_01_18.fmPrinted on chlorine-free paper.
Printing inks contain vegetable oils; paper can be recycled.
0458 207 8621 A. M3. K7. CP. Printed in USA
Guide to Using this Manual .............. 2
Easy2Start ........................................ 3
Safety Precautions and Working
Techniques ....................................... 3
Mounting the Bar and Chain
(Front chain tensioner) ................... 26
Mounting the Bar and Chain
(Quick Chain Tensioner) ................. 28
Tensioning the Saw Chain
(Front chain tensioner) ................... 31
Tensioning the Saw Chain
(Quick chain tensioner) .................. 31
Checking Chain Tension ................. 31
Fuel ................................................ 32
Fueling ............................................ 33
Chain Lubricant .............................. 33
Filling Chain Oil Tank ...................... 34
Checking Chain Lubrication ........... 34
Chain Brake .................................... 35
Information Before You Start .......... 36
Starting / Stopping the Engine ........ 36
Operating Instructions .................... 40
Taking Care of Guide Bar ............... 41
Cleaning the Air Filter ..................... 42
Motor Management ........................ 42
Adjusting the Carburetor ................ 43
Spark Arresting Screen
in Muffler ......................................... 43
Catalytic Converter ......................... 44
Checking the Spark Plug ................ 44
Starter Rope ................................... 45
Storing the Machine ........................ 46
Checking and Replacing
Chain Sprocket ............................... 46
Maintaining and Sharpening
Saw Chain ...................................... 47
Maintenance Chart ......................... 51
Main Parts of the Saw .................... 53
Specifications ................................. 55
Special Accessories ....................... 56
Ordering Spare Parts ..................... 56
Maintenance and Repairs .............. 57
STIHL Incorporated Federal
Emission Control Warranty
Statement ....................................... 58
STIHL Incorporated California
Exhaust and Evaporative
Emissions Control Warranty
Statement ....................................... 60
Trademarks .................................... 62
Allow only persons who understand this
Manual to operate your chainsaw.
To receive maximum performance and
satisfaction from your STIHL chainsaw,
it is important that you read and
the maintenance and safety
starting on page 3, before
using your chainsaw.
Contact your STIHL dealer or the STIHL
distributor for your area if you do not
understand any of the instructions in this
Because a chainsaw is a high-speed
wood-cutting tool, some special safety
precautions must be observed as with
any other power saw to reduce the risk
of personal injury.
Careless or improper use may cause
serious or even fatal injury.
STIHL's philosophy is to continually
improve all of its products. As a result,
engineering changes and improvements
are made from time-to-time. If the
operating characteristics or the
appearance of your chainsaw differs
from those described in this Manual,
please contact your STIHL dealer for
information and assistance.

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Stihl MS180 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Français, Italiano - 192 pagina's

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