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is important to maintain and repair the brakes if
Never store the machine with petrol in the tank
in buildings where the fumes can come into
contact with open flames or sparks.
Allow the engine to cool before placing the
machine in a store.
To reduce the risk of fire, keep the engine,
silencer, battery and petrol tank free from grass,
leaves and surplus oil.
Check frequently whether there is any wear or
damage to the grass collector.
For the sake of safety, replace worn or damaged
Always use genuine spare parts. Non-genuine
spare parts can entail a risk of injury, even if
they fit the machine.
Replace damaged warning and instruction
If there is no mechanical lock for the transport
position, the cutting deck must be lowered
when parked, stored or when the machine is left
If the petrol tank is to be emptied, this must take
place outdoors.
Store the machine so that children cannot get to it.
The battery contains acid. In the event of
mechanical damage or overcharging, acid can
leak out.
Never overcharge the battery. Overcharging can
cause the battery to explode, throwing the acid
in all directions.
If acid comes into contact with the eyes or skin,
this can cause serious injuries. If any part of the
body has come into contact with acid, rinse
immediately with copious amounts of water and
seek medical assistance as soon as possible.
Fumes from acid that are inhaled cause damage
to mucous membranes and other internal
organs. Seek medical assistance if acid fumes
have been inhaled.
Acid causes serious damage to tools, clothes
and other material. Rinse away spilled acid
immediately with water.
Do not short circuit the battery’s terminals.
Sparks occur which can result in fire. Do not
wear metal jewellery which can come into
contact with the battery terminals.
In the event of damage to the battery casing,
cover, terminals or interference to the strip
covering the valves, the battery should be
Empty the petrol tank. Start the engine and let it
run until it stops.
Replace the oil while the engine is still warm.
Unscrew the spark plug and pour a tablespoonful
of oil into the cylinder. Rotate the engine a few
turns to that the oil is distributed in the cylinder.
Install the spark plug.
Clean the entire machine. It is particularly
important to clean under the cutting deck. Touch
up paint damage to prevent rust.
Store the machine indoors in a dry place.
Machines with an electric starter:
Remove the battery. Store it well charged in a cool
place (between 0°C and +15°C).
At the correct storage temperature, the battery
should be maintenance-charged every four
The battery acid is extremely corrosive
and can cause injuries and damage to
skin and clothing. Always use rubber
gloves and glasses (goggles) to protect
your eyes. Avoid inhaling any acid
Do not incline the battery too much so
that the battery acid can run out onto
hands or clothing. If this should
happen, rinse with plenty of water.
Authorised service workshops carry out repairs
and guarantee service. They use original spare
STIGA original spare parts and accessories are
designed specifically for STIGA machines.
Please note that ‘non-original’ spare parts and
accessories have not been checked or approved
The use of such parts and accessories
can affect the function and safety of the
machine. STIGA accepts no
responsibility for damage or injuries
caused by such products.
Original spare parts are supplied by service
workshops and by many dealers.
A list of these can be found on STIGAs Internet
website at: www.stiga.com.
We recommend that the machine be handed in to
an authorised service workshop for service,
maintenance and checking of the safety devices
once a year.

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  • Hello,
    Na het vervangen van de defecte relais voor de startmotor kon ik alleen de motor starten maar deze bleef na de contactsleutel op run (middelste positie) gezet te hebben niet draaien, een paar seconden later was de bobijn van de ontsteking aan het smeulen.
    Wat kan ik verkeerd gedaan hebben, en waar kan ik een plan voor de bedrading van een stiga villa (oud model) vinden.
    Groetjes Gesteld op 25-4-2020 om 10:12

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