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To Store the DAB Stations in the Memory
1. In DAB mode, select the DAB station
2. Press and hold the PRESET/PROG button for about 2 seconds, the display will show the
current DAB station and P# (where # is the preset station number) will flash, press the
SKIP+/TUNE> or SKIP-/TUNE< button to select the desired preset station number then press
ENTER button to confirm storing that station in the memory.
To Recall the Stored DAB Station
1. In DAB mode, press the PRESET/PROG button, the display will show the current DAB station
and P# (where # is the current preset station number),
2. Press the SKIP+/TUNE> or SKIP-/TUNE< button to select the preset station number you want
to listen then press ENTER button to confirm.
You may remove all unavailable stations from the list.
1. In DAB mode, press and hold INFO button until the display appear DAB305 v1.1.
2. Press INFO button once again and the display will appear PRUNE?
3. Press ENTER button to confirm.
DAB station information
Press the INFO button to display the information of the current DAB station in the sequence below
Programme Type This describes the “style” or “genre” of the programme that is being
Ensemble This displays the name of the multiplex that contains the station you are listening to.
A multiplex is a collection of radio stations that are bundled and transmitted on one frequency.
There are national and local multiplexes. Local ones contain stations that are specific to that area.
Frequency This displays the frequency of the current station.
Audio Bit Rate This displays the digital audio bit rate being received.
Signal Strength This shows a slide bar to indicate the signal strength, the stronger the signal,
the longer the bar will be from left to right.
Date and Time This displays the current date and time.
Scrolling Text This is a scrolling message giving realtime information, e.g. song titles, news
headlines, etc.
1. Set the FUNCTION switch to RADIO position.
2. Press the DAB+/FM button to select FM mode.
3. Rotate the VOLUME switch to adjust the desired listening level.
Note : For best reception, fully extent the FM telescopic antenna to receive FM station.
To Select the FM Station
Auto Scan
1. In FM mode, press the FULL SCAN button to start searching the forward available FM station.
Press and hold the FULL SCAN button for 1 second to start searching the backward available
FM station
2. The search operation simply finds stations with strong signals. Stations with weak signal can
only be tuned in manually.
Manual tune
Press the SKIP+/TUNE> or SKIP-/TUNE< button, the unit will skip 0.05 MHz in the direction of
To Store the FM Stations in the Memory
1. In FM mode, select the FM station
2. Press and hold the PRESET/PROG button for about 1 second, the display will show the
current FM station and P# (where # is the preset station number) will flash
3. Press the SKIP+/TUNE> or SKIP-/TUNE< button to select the desired preset station number
then press ENTER button to confirm,
To Recall the Stored FM Station
1. In FM mode, press the PRESET/PROG button, the display will show the current FM station
and P# (where # is the current preset station number)
2. Press the SKIP+/TUNE> or SKIP-/TUNE< button to select the preset station number you want
to listen then press ENTER button to confirm.
In FM mode, press the ENTER button to select the MONO mode or AUTO mode.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Soundmaster SCD4200TI

Soundmaster SCD4200TI Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 42 pagina's

Soundmaster SCD4200TI Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 5 pagina's

Soundmaster SCD4200TI Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 42 pagina's

Soundmaster SCD4200TI Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 5 pagina's

Soundmaster SCD4200TI Gebruiksaanwijzing - English, Français, Italiano, Dansk, Svenska, Norsk - 42 pagina's

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