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Safety, Environmental and Setup Instructions
Do not dispose of this product with the normal household
waste at the end of its life cycle. Return it to a collection
point for the recycling of electrical and electronic devices.
This is indicated by the symbol on the product, user
manual or packaging
The materials are reusable according to their markings. By
reusing, recycling or other forms of utilization of old devices you
make an important contribution to the protection of our
Please contact your local authorities for details about collection
Risk of electric shock
Do not open!
Caution: To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove the
cover (or back). There are no user serviceable parts inside.
Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.
This symbol indicates the presence of dangerous
voltage inside the enclosure, sufficient enough to
cause electric shock.
This symbol indicates the presence of important
operating and maintenance instructions for the device
Used batteries are hazardous waste and NOT to be
disposed of with the household waste! As a
consumer you are legally obligated to return all
batteries for environmentally responsible recycling
no matter whether or not the batteries contain harmful
Return batteries free of charge to public collection points in your
community or shops selling batteries of the respective kind.
Only return fully discharged batteries
*) marked Cd = cadmium, Hg = mercury, Pb = lead
Only use mercury and cadmium-free batteries.
Used batteries are hazardous waste and NOT to be
disposed of with the household waste!!!
Keep batteries away from children. Children might swallow
Contact a physician immediately if a battery was swallowed.
Check your batteries regularly to avoid battery leakage.
Batteries shall not be exposed to excessive heat such as
sunshine, fire or the like.
CAUTION: Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly
Replace only with the same or equivalent type
To prevent possible hearing damage, do not
listen at high volume levels for long periods
Use the device in dry indoor environments only.
Protect the device from humidity.
This apparatus is for moderate climates areas use,
not suitable for use in tropical climates countries.
No objects filled with liquids, such as vases,
shall be placed on the apparatus.
The mains plug or an appliance coupler is used
as the disconnect device, the disconnect devices
shall remain readily operable.
Connect this device to a properly installed and
earthed wall outlet only. Make sure the mains
voltage corresponds with the specifications on
the rating plate.
Make sure the mains cable stays dry during
operation. Do not pinch or damage the mains
cable in any way.
A damaged mains cable or plug must
immediately be replaced by an authorized service
In case of lightning, immediately disconnect the
device from the mains supply.
Children should be supervised by parents when
using the device.
Clean the device with a dry cloth only.
Do not expose the device to direct sunlight or
other heat sources.
Install the device at a location with sufficient
ventilation in order to prevent heat accumulation.
Do not cover the ventilation openings!
Install the device at a safe and vibration-free
Install the device as far away as possible from
computers and microwave units; otherwise radio
reception may be disturbed.
Do not open or repair the enclosure. It is not safe
to do so and will void your warranty. Repairs only
by authorized service/ customer center.
No naked flame sources, such as lighted
candles, should be placed on the unit.
When you are necessary to ship the unit store it
in its original package. Save the package for this
In case of malfunction due to electrostatic
discharge or fast transient (burst), remove and
reconnect the power supply.
If the unit is not using for a long period of time,
disconnect it from the power supply by
unplugging the power plug. This is to avoid the
risk of fire.

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  • hoe kan je voorkeuse zender programmeren bij de soundmaster DAB950 Gesteld op 23-7-2020 om 13:31

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    • Hoe geraak ik nog aan een handleiding in het Nederlands?
      Als de posten gekozen zijn, hoe kan ik die vastleggen zodat die niet bij de minste beweging weer allemaal verdwenen zijn en ik opnieuw moet beginnen. Geantwoord op 22-4-2021 om 16:38

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Andere handleiding(en) van Soundmaster DAB950

Soundmaster DAB950 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

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