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Check whether the 1 (standby) indicator is
flashing in red.
When it is flashing
The self-diagnosis function is activated.
1 Count how many
1 (standby) indicator flashes
between each two second break.
For example, the indicator flashes three times, then
there is a two second break, followed by another
three flashes, etc.
2 Press 1 on the top edge of the TV to turn it off,
disconnect the mains lead, and inform your
dealer or Sony service centre of how the
indicator flashes (number of flashes).
When it is not flashing
1 Check the items in the tables below.
2 If the problem still persists, have your TV
serviced by qualified service personnel.
No picture (screen is dark) and no sound
Check the aerial/cable connection.
Connect the TV to the mains, and press 1 on the top edge
of the TV.
If the 1 (standby) indicator lights up in red, press "/1.
No picture or no menu information from
equipment connected to the scart connector
Press / to display the connected equipment list,
then select the desired input.
Check the connection between the optional equipment
and the TV.
Double images or ghosting (only in analogue
Check the aerial/cable connection.
Check the aerial location and direction.
Only snow and noise appear on the screen (only
in analogue mode)
Check if the aerial is broken or bent.
Check if the aerial has reached the end of its serviceable
life (three to five years in normal use, one to two years at
the seaside).
Picture or sound noise when viewing a TV
channel (only in analogue mode)
Adjust “AFT” (Automatic Fine Tuning) to obtain better
picture reception (page 28).
Some tiny black points and/or bright points
appear on the screen
The picture of a display unit is composed of pixels. Tiny
black points and/or bright points (pixels) on the screen do
not indicate a malfunction.
No colour on programmes
Select “Reset” (page 22).
No colour or irregular colour when viewing a
signal from the
/ COMPONENT IN sockets
Check the connection of the
IN sockets and check if each sockets are firmly seated in
their respective sockets.
Picture freezes or contains blocks on the screen
Check signal level (page 31). If signal bar is red (no
signal) or amber (low signal), check the aerial/ cable
Remove the connected USB device. It can be damaged or
not supported by the TV.
Check the website below for updated information about
compatible USB devices:
No sound, but good picture
Press 2 +/– or % (Mute).
Check if the “Speaker” is set to “TV Speaker”
(page 27).
When using HDMI input with Super Audio CD or DVD-
output audio signals.
The desired channel cannot be selected
Switch between digital and analogue mode and select the
desired digital/analogue channel.
Some channels are blank
Scrambled/Subscription only channel. Subscribe to the
pay TV service.
Channel is used only for data (no picture or sound).
Contact the broadcaster for transmission details.
Digital channels are not displayed
Contact a local installer to find out if digital transmissions
are provided in your area.
Upgrade to a higher gain aerial.
Distorted picture and/or sound
Keep the TV away from electrical noise sources such as
cars, motorcycles, hair-dryers or optical equipment.
When installing optional equipment, leave some space
between the optional equipment and the TV.
Check the aerial/cable connection.
Keep the aerial/cable TV cable away from other
connecting cables.
The TV turns off automatically (the TV enters
standby mode)
Check if the “Sleep Timer” is activated, or confirm the
“Duration” setting of “On Timer Settings” (page 25).
If no signal is received and no operation is performed in
the TV mode for 10 minutes, the TV automatically
switches to standby mode.
The TV turns on automatically
Check if the “On Timer” is activated (page 25).
Some input sources cannot be selected
Select “AV Preset” and cancel “Skip” of the input source
(page 26).
The remote does not function
Replace the batteries.
A channel cannot be added to the Favourite list
Up to 999 channels can be stored in the Favourite list.
HDMI equipment does not appear on “HDMI
Device List”
Check that your equipment is “Control for HDMI”
compatible equipment.
Not all channels are tuned
Check support web site for cable provide information.
You cannot select “Off” in “Control for HDMI”.
If any “Control for HDMI” compatible audio equipment
is connected to the TV, you cannot select “Off” in this
menu. If you want to change the audio output to the TV
speaker, select “TV Speaker” in the “Speaker” menu
(page 27).
010COV.book Page 36 Tuesday, June 17, 2008 12:53 PM

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Andere handleiding(en) van Sony KDL-26E4020

Sony KDL-26E4020 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 147 pagina's

Sony KDL-26E4020 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 147 pagina's

Sony KDL-26E4020 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 147 pagina's

Sony KDL-26E4020 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 147 pagina's

Sony KDL-26E4020 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 71 pagina's

Sony KDL-26E4020 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 147 pagina's

Sony KDL-26E4020 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 147 pagina's

Sony KDL-26E4020 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 147 pagina's

Sony KDL-26E4020 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 147 pagina's

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