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Safety Regulations
You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved in this manual
could void your authority to operate this equipment.
To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this apparatus to rain or moisture.
To avoid electrical shock, do not open the cabinet. Refer servicing to qualified personnel only.
As the laser beam used in the DRU-170C is harmful to the eyes, do not attempt to disassemble the
cabinet. Refer servicing to qualified personnel only.
The use of optical instruments with this product will increase eye hazard.
The use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified
herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
This label is located on the top of the drive unit enclosure.
Dieses Etikett befindet sich an der Oberseite des Laufwerksgehäuses.
The DRU-170C is classified as a CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT.
The CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT label is located at the top of the enclosure.
Bei diesem DRU-170C handelt es sich um ein Laser-Produkt der Klasse 1.
Das Etikett mit der Aufschrift LASER KLASSE 1 PRODUKT befindet sich an der Oberseite
des Gehäses.
Power-Burn and
are trademarks of Sony Corporation.
Pentium is a registrated trademark of Intel Corporation.
Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, Windows, and Windows Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Other system and product names used herein are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective
manufacturers, although the
and ® marks are not used in the text.
Before using this device, be sure to read the end-user license agreements for the software provided with your
Our product warranty is valid only when the supplied accessories (including software) are used in the
specified or recommended system environment, in accordance with the documentation, and applies
only to this DVD/CD rewritable drive. Our customer service and user support apply only under these
product warranty conditions.
Please note that we cannot accept responsibility for failure of the computer or other devices,
incompatibility with special hardware, operating problems caused by improper installation of software,
loss of data, discs or other accidental or incidental damage that might occur when using this product.
The guarantee and user support for this product are valid only within the countries or sales regions
specified on the warranty card.
Copyright laws prohibit the copying in part or in full of the supplied software and documentation, or
loaning the software, without obtaining permission of the copyright holder.
We cannot accept responsibility for any direct or indirect financial damage or loss of profit that might
occur when using the supplied software.
The supplied software can only be used with this product.
Specifications of the supplied software may be changed without notice in the interest in product
Please refer to this manual together with the “ATAPI Interface Drive User’s Guide” in the attached
Software Disc, which carries more detailed information.
Reportez-vous au présent manuel ainsi qu’au document intitulé “Lecteur d’interface ATAPI - Guide
de l’utilisateur” contenu sur le disque du logiciel accompagnant ce produit pour plus de détails.
Einzelheiten entnehmen Sie bitte diesem Handbuch sowie der “Laufwerk mit ATAPI-Schnittstelle -
Anwenderanleitung” auf der mitgelieferten Software-Disc.
Consulte este manual junto con la “Unidad de interfaz ATAPI - Guía del usuario” del disco de
software suministrado, que contiene información más detallada.
Fare riferimento al presente manuale insieme a “Guida dell’utilizzatore dell’unità disco con interfaccia ATAPI”
nel disco del software allegato, nel quale sono contenute informazioni più dettagliate.
Consulte este manual juntamente com o “Guia do Utilizador do Drive de Interface ATAPI” incluído
no disco de software fornecido, para obter informações mais detalhadas.
Raadpleeg deze handleiding alsook de “ATAPI Station-interface -Gebruikershandleiding” op de
bijgevoegde Software Disc, die meer gedetaileerde informatie bevat.
Förutom denna bruksanvisning finns mer information i “Brukanvisning för enhet med ATAPI
gränssnitt” på den medföljande programskivan.
Rewritable Drive
2006 Sony Corporation Printed in China P/N: 78199E00003WA
Product Information
Included Documents
Quick Start Guide
Electronic manual on the software disc
Warranty card (for US and Canada)
Product Information (this document)

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