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To reduce the risk of fire or electric
shock, do not expose this apparatus to
rain or moisture.
AC power cord must be changed only at the qualified
service shop.
To prevent fire, do not cover the ventilation of the
apparatus with news papers, table-cloths, curtains, etc.
And don’t place lighted candles on the apparatus.
To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not place objects
filled with liquids, such as vases, on the apparatus.
Don’t throw away the battery with
general house waste, dispose of it
correctly as chemical waste.
This appliance is
classified as a CLASS 1
LASER product. This
marking is located on the
bottom of the unit.
• If anything falls into the cabinet, unplug the unit and
have it checked by qualified personnel before
operating it any further.
• The unit is not disconnected from the AC power
source (mains) as long as it is connected to the wall
outlet (mains), even if the unit itself has been turned
Unplug the unit from the wall outlet (mains) if you do
not intend to use it for an extended period of time. To
disconnect the cord, pull it out by the plug, never by
the cord.
• Install this system so that the power cord can be
unplugged from the wall socket immediately in the
event of trouble.
Allow adequate air circulation to prevent internal
heat buildup.
Do not place the unit on surfaces (rugs, blankets, etc.)
or near materials (curtains, draperies) that may block
the ventilation slots.
• Do not install the unit near heat sources such as
radiators, or air ducts, or in a place subject to direct
sunlight, excessive dust, mechanical vibration, or
Do not install the unit in an inclined position. It is
designed to be operated in a horizontal position only.
Keep the unit and discs away from equipment with
strong magnets, such as microwave ovens, or large
Do not place heavy objects on the unit.
• If the unit is brought directly from a cold to a warm
location, moisture may condense inside the DVD
Home Theatre System and cause damage to the
lenses. When you first install the unit, or when you
move it from a cold to a warm location, wait for about
30 minutes before operating the unit.
Do not place the system in confined space such as a
bookshelf or similar unit.
Disposal of Old
Electrical & Electronic
Equipment (Applicable
in the European Union
and other European
countries with separate
collection systems)
This symbol on the product or on
its packaging indicates that this
product shall not be treated as household waste. Instead
it shall be handed over to the applicable collection
point for the recycling of electrical and electronic
equipment. By ensuring this product is disposed of
correctly, you will help prevent potential negative
consequences for the environment and human health,
which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate
waste handling of this product. The recycling of
materials will help to conserve natural resources. For
more detailed information about recycling of this
product, please contact your local city office, your
household waste disposal service or the shop where
you purchased the product.

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Zoeken resetten

  • Weet iemand of ik een logitech bluetooth audio adapter op deze sony homecinemaset
    DAV-1X kan aansluiten? Gesteld op 1-5-2020 om 11:00

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • Het kost de laatste tijd steeds meer moeite om een dvd af te spelen. Soms lukt het na twee, drie, vier keer invoeren, soms helemaal niet.
    Is upgraden een mogelijkheid voor deze set en kun je dat zelf doen of gaat dit via Sony?

    Gesteld op 20-3-2015 om 23:41

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • Bij mij precies hetzelfde.
      Zoveel ergernis ,dat ik alles met usb-stick doe.
      upgraden is mogelijk,wel ingewikkeld.
      Zie google Geantwoord op 21-3-2015 om 12:19

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Andere handleiding(en) van Sony DAV-X1

Sony DAV-X1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 443 pagina's

Sony DAV-X1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 215 pagina's

Sony DAV-X1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, Français, Italiano - 443 pagina's

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