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If the hard disk drive should
malfunction, you cannot recover lost
data. The hard disk drive is only a
temporary storage space.
About repairing the hard disk
The contents of the hard disk drive
may be checked in case of repair
or inspection during a malfunction
or modification. However, the
contents will not be backed up or
saved by Sony.
If the hard disk needs to be
formatted or replaced, it will be
done at the discretion of Sony. All
contents of the hard disk drive will
be erased, including contents that
violate copyright laws.
On power sources
The system is not disconnected
from the AC power source (mains)
as long as it is connected to the
wall outlet, even if the system
itself has been turned off.
If you are not going to use the
system for a long time, be sure to
disconnect the system from the
wall outlet. To disconnect the AC
power cord (mains lead), grasp the
plug itself; never pull the cord.
Before disconnecting the AC
power cord (mains lead), check
that the recorder’s hard disk is not
operating (recording or dubbing)
on the front panel display.
Do not put any object into the
holes on the set (fan ventilation
holes, jacks, etc.). Electric shock
may result.
On placement
Place the system in a location with
adequate ventilation to prevent
heat build-up in the system.
At high volume, over long periods
of time, the cabinet becomes hot to
the touch. This is not a
malfunction. However, touching
the cabinet should be avoided. Do
not place the system in a confined
space where ventilation is poor as
this may cause overheating.
Do not block the ventilation holes
for the cooling fan by putting
anything on the system. The
system is equipped with a high
power amplifier. If the ventilation
holes are blocked, the system can
overheat and malfunction.
Do not place the system on a soft
surface such as a rug that might
block the ventilation holes.
Do not install the system in a
confined space, such as a bookcase
or built-in cabinet.
Do not place the system in a
location near heat sources, or in a
place subject to direct sunlight,
excessive dust, or mechanical
Do not place the system in an
inclined position. It is designed to
be operated in a horizontal
position only.
Keep the system and discs away
from equipment with strong
magnets, such as microwave
ovens, or large loudspeakers.
Do not put any objects on the
recorder as they may fall, damage
the surface, or cause malfunction.
Do not put objects in front of the
speakers as they may fall over
when loud sound is output.
If the system is brought directly
from a cold to a warm location,
moisture may condense inside the
DVD Recorder Home Theatre
System and cause damage to the
lenses. When you first install the
system, or when you move it from
a cold to a warm location, wait for
about 30 minutes before operating
the system.
Do not place anything around the
rear of the subwoofer as air
pressure from the subwoofer’s
duct may knock down.
Do no insert anything into the rear
openings of the subwoofer. This
may cause electric shock or injury.
Do not insert anything into the
subwoofer’s duct, as sound quality
may be affected.
On recording
Note that the contents of the
recording cannot be compensated
for under any and all conditions,
including conditions that may
arise due to a malfunction of this
Make trial recordings before
making the actual recording.
Television programmes, films,
video tapes, discs, and other
materials may be copyrighted.
Unauthorized recording of such
material may be contrary to the
provisions of the copyright laws.
Also, use of this recorder with
cable television transmission may
require authorization from the
cable television transmitter and/or
programme owner.
This product incorporates
copyright protection technology
that is protected by U.S. patents
and other intellectual property
rights. Use of this copyright
protection technology must be
authorized by Macrovision, and is
intended for home and other
limited viewing uses only unless
otherwise authorized by
Macrovision. Reverse engineering
or disassembly is prohibited.
This system incorporates with
Digital and Dolby Pro
Logic (II) adaptive matrix
surround decoder and the DTS
Digital Surround System.
Manufactured under license from
Dolby Laboratories.
“Dolby,” “Pro Logic,” and the
double-D symbol are trademarks
of Dolby Laboratories.
Manufactured under license from
Digital Theater Systems, Inc.
“DTS” and “DTS Digital
Surround” are trademarks of
Digital Theater Systems, Inc.
Copy guard function
Since the recorder has a copy guard
function, programmes received
through an external tuner (not
supplied) may contain copy
protection signals (copy guard
function) and as such may not be
recordable, depending on the type of

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Andere handleiding(en) van Sony DAR-RH1000

Sony DAR-RH1000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Français - 552 pagina's

Sony DAR-RH1000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português - 388 pagina's

Sony DAR-RH1000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl, Polski - 536 pagina's

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