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Notes About the
To keep the disc clean, handle the disc
by its edge. Do not touch the surface.
Dust, fingerprints, or scratches on the
disc may cause it to malfunction.
Do not expose the disc to direct
sunlight or heat sources such as hot air
ducts, or leave it in a car parked in
direct sunlight as the temperature may
rise considerably inside the car.
After playing, store the disc in its case.
Clean the disc with a cleaning cloth.
Wipe the disc from the centre out.
Do not use solvents such as benzine,
thinner, commercially available disc/
lens cleaners, or anti-static spray
intended for vinyl LPs.
If you have printed the disc’s label, dry
the label before playing.
On safety
Should any solid object or liquid fall into
the cabinet, unplug the player and have it
checked by qualified personnel before
operating it any further.
On power sources
The player is not disconnected from the
AC power source (mains) as long as it
is connected to the wall outlet, even if
the player itself has been turned off.
• If you are not going to use the player
for a long time, be sure to disconnect
the player from the wall outlet. To
disconnect the AC power cord (mains
lead), grasp the plug itself; never pull
the cord.
On placement
• Place the player in a location with
adequate ventilation to prevent heat
build-up in the player.
• Do not place the player on a soft
surface such as a rug that might block
the ventilation holes.
Do not place the player in a location
near heat sources, or in a place subject
to direct sunlight, excessive dust, or
mechanical shock.
On operation
If the player is brought directly from a
cold to a warm location, or is placed in
a very damp room, moisture may
condense on the lenses inside the
player. Should this occur, the player
may not operate properly. In this case,
remove the disc and leave the player
turned on for about half an hour until
the moisture evaporates.
When you move the player, take out
any discs. If you don’t, the disc may be
On adjusting volume
Do not turn up the volume while
listening to a section with very low level
inputs or no audio signals. If you do, the
speakers may be damaged when a peak
level section is played.
On cleaning
Clean the cabinet, panel, and controls
with a soft cloth slightly moistened with
a mild detergent solution. Do not use any
type of abrasive pad, scouring powder or
solvent such as alcohol or benzine.
On cleaning discs, disc/lens
Do not use cleaning discs or disc/lens
cleaners (including wet or spray types).
These may cause the apparatus to
On replacement of parts
In the events that this player is repaired,
repaired parts may be collected for reuse
or recycling purposes.
If you have any questions or problems
concerning your player, please consult
your nearest Sony dealer.
Caution: This player is capable of
holding a still video image or on-screen
display image on your television screen
indefinitely. If you leave the still video
image or on-screen display image
displayed on your TV for an extended
period of time you risk permanent
damage to your television screen. Plasma
display panel televisions and projection
televisions are susceptible to this.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Sony BDP-S300

Sony BDP-S300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 67 pagina's

Sony BDP-S300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 67 pagina's

Sony BDP-S300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 67 pagina's

Sony BDP-S300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 67 pagina's

Sony BDP-S300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanôl - 63 pagina's

Sony BDP-S300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Svenska - 63 pagina's

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