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Operating Instructions / Mode d’emploi
© 2006 Sony Corporation Printed in China
To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this apparatus to rain or
Do not install the appliance in a confined space, such as a bookcase or built-in cabinet.
To reduce the risk of fire, do not cover the ventilation of the apparatus with newspapers,
tablecloths, curtains, etc. And do not place lighted candles on the apparatus.
To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not place objects filled with liquids, such
as vases, on the apparatus.
Connect the AC power adaptor to an easily accessible AC outlet. Should you notice an
abnormality in the AC power adaptor, disconnect it from the AC outlet immediately.
For Customers in the USA
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved in this
manual could void your authority to operate this equipment.
For Customers in Russia
Disposal of Old Electrical & Electronic Equipment (Applicable in the European
Union and other European countries with separate collection systems)
This symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this
product shall not be treated as household waste. Instead it shall be
handed over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of
electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is
disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative
consequences for the environment and human health, which could
otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product.
The recycling of materials will help to conserve natural resources. For more detailed
information about recycling of this product, please contact your local Civic Office,
your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product.
The validity of the CE marking is restricted to only those countries where
it is legally enforced, mainly in the countries EEA (European Economic
For customers in the USA
Use “LIMITED WARRANTY” card warranted by Sony Electronics Inc.
For customers in Canada
Use “Consumer 1 Year Warranty” card warranted by Sony of Canada Ltd.
Note on installation
If you use the unit in a place subject to static or electromagnetic energy, a track’s
transferred data may be corrupted. This may prevent successful transferring
authorization on your computer.
Notes on use
Do not subject the unit to:
– Extreme heat or cold – Dust, dirt, or sand
– High humidity – Vibration
– Strong magnetic fields – Mechanical shock
– Direct sunlight (for extended periods)
Do not set the unit on an unstable surface as it may fall, causing injury or
Do not drop the unit.
Unplug the AC adapter from the AC outlet if the unit is not to be used for an
extended period. Disconnect the power cord by the plug, never the cord itself.
Be sure that nothing metallic comes into contact with the metal parts of
this unit as a short circuit may occur and the unit may be damaged.
Do not operate the unit if it has a damaged cord, or if it has been
dropped or damaged.
Always keep the metal contacts clean.
Do not disassemble or modify the unit.
While the unit is in use, it gets warm. This is normal.
Keep the unit away from TV or AM receivers, as it may disturb reception.
Clean the unit with a soft, dry cloth, or a soft cloth lightly moistened with a
mild detergent solution. Do not use any type of solvent, such as alcohol or
benzine, which may damage the finish.
Checking the supplied accessories
Cradle (1) (A)
DC charging cord (1) (B)
AC adaptor (C)
AC power cord
Checking other components
For details about series Walkman units supported by the cradle, visit:
USA: http://www.sony.com/walkmansupport/
Canada: http://www.sony.ca/ElectronicsSupport/
Europe: http://www.sonydigital-link.com/DNA/
China: http://service.sony.com.cn/KB/
Taiwan: http://www.twsupport.css.ap.sony.com/
Korea: http://scs.sony.co.kr/walkman/
Other countries or areas: http://www.css.ap.sony.com/
Attachment for a Walkman *
USB cable * (D)
* The USB cable is required to connect the cradle to your computer. The USB
cable is supplied with the Walkman.
Installing the attachment
When you use the cradle, fit the attachment supplied with your Walkman.
To install the attachment, fit the two tabs near the logo into the holes on the
cradle first, then push the opposite side down into the cradle.
To remove the attachment, push strongly the concave part of attachment
toward the rear of the cradle 1, then push strongly the area indicated by the
mark (aaa) from above 2. (E)
The shape of the attachment may be different, depending on your Walkman model.
Parts and controls
Refer to Illustration A.
1 WM-PORT* connector for Walkman: To connect a Walkman to the
2 AUDIO OUT jack: Outputs a line-level signal to a device such as an
active speaker, using an optional audio cable.
3 AUDIO IN jack: Accepts a line-level signal from a music player, such as
a CD player, using an optional audio cable.
4 LEVEL switch: Sets the recording level.
LEVEL[1](recording with the normal volume level): To record from the
line out jack or headphone jack of a device such as a portable music
LEVEL[2](recording with the volume lowered): To record from the line
out jack of a device that has a high sound output level, such as a
component audio system.
(Using LEVEL[1] in this case may result in distortion of the audio signal.)
5 WM-PORT jack for a computer: To connect the cradle to your computer
using the USB cable (supplied with the Walkman).
If a device other than a computer is to be connected, refer to the operating
instructions supplied with the device.
6 DC IN jack: To connect the cradle to the AC adaptor (supplied) using the
DC charging cord to charge the Walkman.
* WM-PORT is a dedicated multiple connector for connecting accessories to
your Walkman.
Charging a Walkman
Refer to Illustration F.
1 Connect the smaller terminal (7) of the DC charging cord
(supplied) to the DC IN jack (8) of the cradle.
2 Connect the larger terminal (9) of the DC charging cord to
the AC adaptor (supplied).
3 Connect the AC power cord (supplied) to the AC adaptor (q;).
4 Connect the AC power cord to the wall outlet (qa).
5 Attach the Walkman to the WM-PORT connector on the top
of the cradle (qf).
Charging starts. Charging time will vary, depending on the model of the
Walkman. For details, refer to the Operation Guide of the Walkman.
Place the Walkman firmly into the cradle.
Do not connect anything to the AUDIO OUT jack of the cradle if you listen to
songs using the headphones of the Walkman while charging. Otherwise, no
sound is output from the headphone jack of the Walkman.
Connecting to a computer
Refer to Illustration F.
1 Connect the WM-PORT of the USB cable (supplied with the
Walkman) to the WM-PORT on the back of the cradle (qs).
Connect the other end of the USB cable to your computer (qd).
3 Attach the Walkman to the cradle (qf).
Place the Walkman firmly into the cradle.
If the cradle is connected to a wall outlet, the Walkman will be charged from
the wall outlet.
Even if the cradle is not connected to a wall outlet, the Walkman can be charged via
the USB cable. If the cradle is connected to a laptop computer which is not connected
to a wall outlet, the Walkman will deplete the battery of the laptop computer.
•A Walkman will not be recognized by a computer if the cradle is connected to
the computer by the DC charging cord.
If the Walkman is disconnected from the cradle while data is being transferred
from the computer, attach the Walkman to the cradle and transfer the data again.
Do not disconnect the USB cable, DC charging cord and AC power cord while
transferring data from the computer; otherwise the data transfer will be
interrupted. If this occurs, detach the Walkman from the cradle, and transfer
the data after attaching the Walkman to the cradle again.
Recording to a Walkman
Refer to Illustration F.
By connecting a music player, such as a CD player, to the AUDIO IN jack of
the cradle by an optional audio cable (qg), you can record to the Walkman*
attached to the cradle.
* Models that have a WM-PORT and recording functions only
1 Connect the music player to the AUDIO IN jack of the cradle
with a suitable audio cable (sold separately).
2 Attach the Walkman to the cradle.
The recording procedure will vary depending on the model of the
Walkman. For details, see the Operation Guide of the Walkman.
z Hint
Sound levels during recording can be changed by setting the LEVEL switch. For
details, refer to “LEVEL switch” under “Parts and controls”.
If the audio cable is connected to the AUDIO OUT jack, sound during recording
is output from an audio output device, such as an active speaker. If nothing is
connected to the AUDIO OUT jack, sound during recording is output from the
headphone jack of the Walkman.
Connecting to a device such
as a speaker
Refer to Illustration F.
Using an optional audio cable (qh), you can connect the cradle to a device
that outputs audio, such as an active speaker. Be sure to turn off all devices
before connecting them.
1 Connect the device to the AUDIO OUT jack of the cradle with
a suitable audio cable (sold separately).
2 Attach the Walkman to the cradle.
3 Start playback of the Walkman.
Connect the audio cable before starting playback on or recording to the
Walkman. If you connect it after starting playback, sound may not be output
from the AUDIO OUT jack. If this occurs, detach the Walkman from the
cradle, and start playback after attaching the Walkman to the cradle again.
While the cradle is connected to the computer, sound may not be output from the
OUT jack of the cradle. If this occurs, disconnect the USB cable from the
Sound from the computer is not output from the AUDIO OUT jack of the
While the cradle is connected to an audio output device, no sound is output
from the headphone jack of the Walkman.
If the recording level of audio data played back on the Walkman is too high, the
output sound quality from the Walkman via the cradle to a device, such as an
active speaker, may not meet the user customized settings, e.g., “Equalizer” etc.
If you use a Walkman with a built-in FM tuner, you may not be able to hear
the FM broadcast, or reception may be lowered substantially.
Terminals WM-PORT connector (22 pin) (For Walkman)
WM-PORT jack (22 pin) (For a computer)
AUDIO OUT (Stereo mini, 10k)
AUDIO IN (Stereo mini), DC IN 5V
Switch settings LEVEL 1/2
AC adaptor DC 5V
“WALKMAN” and “WALKMAN” logo are registered trademarks of Sony Corporation.

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