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Before using
Please read the following instructions carefully. They
contain important information about operating and
caring for your appliance, as well as about safety. We
recommend you retain these notes for future use.
1. General information
Before connecting the appliance, check that the
voltage indicated on the appliance information
plate matches your mains voltage.
–Always clean the appliance with a dry or at most a
slightly damp cloth.
All repairs must be carried out by approved servi-
ce centres (e.g. SOLIS Customer Service). Non-
approved repairs pose a risk for the user.
- No liability for any damage or injury can be accep-
ted if the appliance is used or operated in any way
that does not conform with these instructions, or if
an unapproved repair is carried out. All warranty
claims will also be invalid.
Protect the appliance from frost; do not leave
overnight in the car in winter as this may damage
your machine.
Safety advice
– Never operate the appliance with a defect power
– Never operate the appliance without the waster
coffee container, without water or without the drip
tray and cup grille.
– Only use original SOLIS-1,2,3 SPRESSO coffee por-
tions. Normal coffee portions may damage the
appliance, in which case no liability can be accep-
ted. All warranty claims will also be invalid.
– Never unplug the appliance by pulling on the cord;
never handle the plug with wet hands.
– Never immerse the appliance in water.
– Children do not realise the risks associated with
electrical equipment – never leave children
unsupervised with electrical appliances.
2. Installation/Before first use
2.1 Open water tank cover (13), remove water tank
(5), fill with cold water and replace (Fig. 1). Close
water tank cover.
2.2 Set Coffee/Hot water switch (7) to position 0.
2.3 Set the On/Off switch (8) to position I. Wait until
the operating temperature indicator (9) shows
green (Fig. 2).
2.4 Insert an original SOLIS-1,2,3 SPRESSO coffee
portion in the opening provided and place a cof-
fee cup under the coffee outlet (Fig. 2).
2.5 Turn the Coffee/Hot water switch (7) from posi-
tion 0 to position (Fig. 2) and allow cup to
fill. When full, turn the Coffee / Hot water switch
back to position 0. The used coffee portion will
automatically fall into the waste coffee container
when switch (7) is returned to position 0. The
first coffee you make when using your appliance
for the first time will ‘clean’ your factory-new
machine and should not be drunk.
2.6 Place a receptacle under the Hot water nozzle.
Set the Coffee/Hot water switch to position
(Fig. 3) and rinse the appliance through. Return
the switch to position 0 when the water tank is
empty. The appliance is now rinsed through and
ready for use.
3. Making coffee
NOTE: This appliance will only function with original
SOLIS-1,2,3 SPRESSO coffee portions.
3.1 Open water tank cover (13), remove water tank
(5), fill with cold water and replace (Fig. 1). Shut
water tank cover.
3.2 Check that the On/Off switch (8) is in position I
and the operating temperature indicator (9)
shows green (Fig. 2).
3.3 Place an original SOLIS-1,2,3 SPRESSO coffee
portion in the opening provided for this purpose.
Position a coffee cup under the coffee outlet (Fig. 2).
3.4 Turn the Coffee/Hot water switch (7) from posi-
tion 0 to position and allow cup to fill.
When full, turn the Coffee / Hot water switch
back to position 0 (Fig. 2).The used coffee portion
will automatically fall into the waste coffee con-
tainer when switch (7) is returned to position 0.

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