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Congratulations on buying the Snooper Portable Navigator and Fixed Speed Camera location system.
This user guide comprises of four models: 2 series, 5 series, 6 series and SC5700 DVR. Some features and functions are not
available on all models – these will be highlighted in the appropriate sections of this user guide.
This PND (Portable Navigation Device) utilises the very latest Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) technology to provide you with
accurate street level navigation via clear and precise voice prompts as well as alerting you to potentially hazardous stretches of road,
accident black spots and fixed speed safety cameras.
The most accurate digital mapping available is provided by
whilst the geographical coordinates of all ‘fixed’ speed monitoring
systems and many officially designated accident ‘hotspots have been stored on a database provided by AURA™. The AURA™
Database is the most comprehensive available, providing cover, not only in the UK and Ireland, but throughout Europe too. This
database is constantly monitored and updated by the AURA™ data collection team, ensuring that you are alerted to every potentially
hazardous stretch of road and all fixed speed safety cameras.
This PND comes with an SD Card that contains the navigation software. The SD Card is pre-installed in the SD slot on the left
hand side of the unit. When necessary, upgrades to this mapping data will be made available for you. Mapping updates may be
chargeable, please visit www.snooperneo.co.uk for further details.
As the AURA™ camera database changes daily, regular updates to your device are required. Snooper connects quickly and easily
to your PC so that you can download the database in a matter of minutes (internet connection required). Please note: In order for
the software to be installed successfully, there are certain minimum hardware and software requirements needed; see the section
‘System Requirements & Downloading later in this manual.
Once the database has been downloaded your Snooper compares your position using its built-in GPS antenna, with the position of
every known ‘fixed’ speed monitoring system and accident ‘hotspot’ alerting you both audibly and visually with voice alerts and full
colour graphics on the units LCD screen ensuring your highest concentration at all times.
Please note that AURA™ updates are subject to a subscription charge. Please refer to the subscription and download section
of this manual for further details or visit www.snooperneo.co.uk.
Drive Safely with Snooper!
Snoopers camera location technology has been designed and manufactured to help enhance road safety and is in no way a licence
to speed nor has it been designed as a substitute for concentration. Driving within the speed limit, whilst carefully observing current
road conditions is essential.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Snooper SC5700 DVR Syrius Pro

Snooper SC5700 DVR Syrius Pro Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 99 pagina's

Snooper SC5700 DVR Syrius Pro Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 99 pagina's

Snooper SC5700 DVR Syrius Pro Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 99 pagina's

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