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Instructions for the user
Temperature inside freezer not low
enough to freeze foods properly
- inside temperature setting
thermostat set too low;
- door opened often or for long
- door not closing with an airtight
- too much sugar in foods for
- Turn the regulator to an
intermediate setting (4-5). For
mod. FAB32 turn the regulator
provide on the external display
towards the "max" setting. If the
red light is on, the temperature
inside the freezer is higher than
that set);
- open the door less often and for
as short a time as possible;
- check that the foods are arranged
on the shelves correctly, that the
gasket is sealing properly and is
not damaged, and that the
refrigerator is well levelled on the
- some foods can only be
completely frozen at very low
temperatures (ice-cream,
concentrated fruit-juices)
Too much condensation forming in
refrigerator section
- check that the door gaskets are
providing an airtight seal on the
- door opened often or for long
- too much fresh food (fruit and
vegetables) placed on the
- Foods not properly covered or
stored in airtight containers
- In case of cracks, try to soften the
gasket by pulling it with one hand
and sliding your closed fingers
along the inside
- open the door less often and for
shorter times, especially when the
appliance is working in warm,
humid conditions;
- place less food inside the
refrigerator section;
- Cover the containers and seal
Temperature inside refrigerator
section too cold - fresh foods are
- cooling temperature regulator
device set too high (meaning
lower temperature inside the
- Turn the regulator to a lower
setting (1-2).
- cover foods using suitable bags
and containers;
- do not place fruit and vegetables
inside when too wet
- do not place foods inside touching
the back of the refrigerator.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Smeg FAB32

Smeg FAB32 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 18 pagina's

Smeg FAB32 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 18 pagina's

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