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Congratulations on the purchase of this SkyTec active speaker box.
Please read this manual carefully prior to using the unit.
Hearing damage: Loudspeakers are easily capable
of generating high sound pressure levels (SPL)
sufficient to cause permanent hearing damage to
performers, production crew and audience
members. Caution should be taken to avoid
prolonged exposure to SPL in excess of 90 dB.
Do not overload the box to avoid damage to the
Do not place an open fire (candle, etc.) on top or
next to the box - FIRE HAZARD
Only connect to an earthed mains outlet of
For indoor use only. If the box is used outdoors,
you need to make sure that no humidity can enter
the box.
When not in use, unplug the unit from the mains.
Unplug the unit from the mains prior to checking or
replacing the fuse.
Make sure that the box is placed on a stable,
strong surface.
The boxes can be stacked but do not put more
than 60kg weight on the box.
The boxes can be hung. Use only strong and
approved mounting material. During the mounting,
make sure that nobody is standing below the
mounting area.
Place the stand always on a flat, level, and stable
surface and that the legs do not present a trip
Use only stands which are designed to support the
weight of the speaker. Do not attempt to place
more than one speaker on a stand designed for a
single speaker.
Route cables so that peoples will not trip over them
pulling the speaker over.
Do not place liquids on the box and protect it
against humidity. Humidity can shorten the life
time considerably.
Only use suitable means of transportation if you
want to move the box – BEWARE OF YOUR
If the unit is damaged to an extent that you can
see internal parts, do not plug the unit in a mains
outlet. In this case, please contact Tronios.
Always unplug the unit during a thunderstorm or
when it is not in use.
If the unit has not been used for a longer period
of time, condensation can occur inside the
housing. Please let the unit reach room
temperature prior to use.
Never try to repair the unit yourself. It does not
contain any user serviceable parts.
Run the mains lead in such a way that nobody
can fall over it and nothing can be put on it.
Only use the supplied mains lead or another lead
recommended by SkyTec.
Set the unit to the lowest volume prior to
switching it on
Keep the unit out of the reach of children.
Protect your environment. Recycle
packing material whenever possible.
Do not throw a faulty unit into normal
household waste but bring it to a special
collection point. A large part of it can be
- Molded one-piece baffle with integral 90°x60°
constant directivity horn;
- Limiter protects the compression driver from
- Multi-angle enclosure for flexibility in usage;
- Professional & sturdy ABS enclosure;
- Enclosure and baffle are molded of tough
and durable co-polymer material. This range
of speakers is able to withstand high
powered impacts;
- A heavy-duty, perforated metal grill protects
the woofer;
- Ergonomically designed balanced handle and
lightweight enclosure for easy and
comfortable carrying;
- Attachment points for wall or ceiling mount
- Integral 35mm pole mount receptacle with
securing thumb screw.
About the enclosure
The enclosure and baffle of this range of speakers are made of polypropylene co-polymer. The use of co-
polymer allows features such as stand mounting sockets, handholds, ports and high frequency horns to be
molded directly into the cabinet. Not only do you get contemporary appearance, you also get lots of

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