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Electronic stability programme (ESP)* 2
Electronic stability programme (ESP)*
When the ESP system helps to stabilise the vehicle, the warning light flashes quickly.
The ESP system cannot be switched off, only the TCS system can be switched off by
pressing the button fig. 1, the indicator light then flashes slowly.
The warning light lights up permanently if there is a fault in the ESP system.
If the warning light comes on immediately after starting the engine, the ESP system
can be switched off for technical reasons. In this case, the ESP system can be switched
on again by switching the ignition on and off. If the warning light goes out, the ESP
system is fully functional again.
Changing the battery in the remote control key
Fig. 2 Remote control key - remove cover
Each remote control key contains a battery which is housed under the cover
fig. 2. If the battery is discharged, the red indicator light fig. 3 does not light
up after pressing a button on the remote control key. Change the battery as follows:
Fold open the key.
Press off the battery cover with your thumb or using a flat screwdriver at the points
of the arrows fig. 2.
Remove the discharged battery from the key by pressing the battery downwards at
the point of the arrow fig. 2.
Insert the new battery. Ensure that the “+” symbol on the battery is facing upwards.
The correct polarity is shown on the battery cover.
Position the battery cover on the key and press on it until it is heard to lock in
KESSY system*
Description of the system
The KESSY system (Keyless Entry Start Exit System) enables a comfort unlocking and
locking of the vehicle and a start-up without actively using the remote control key. It is
sufficient to carry the key with you, for example in your pocket, for unlocking and
locking the vehicle or for starting the engine.
Fig. 1 ESP button
Fig. 3 Remote control key
s2cg.5.book Page 2 Thursday, October 15, 2009 9:11 AM

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