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Layout of this Owner's Manual
This Owner's Manual has been systematically designed to make it easy for you to
search for and obtain the information you require.
Chapters, table of contents and subject index
The text of the Owner's manual is divided into relatively short sections which are
combined into easy-to-read chapters. The chapter you are reading at any particular
moment is always specified on the bottom right of the page.
The Table of contents is arranged according to the chapters and the detailed Sub-
ject index at the end of the Owner's Manual helps you to rapidly find the informa-
tion you are looking for.
Direction indications
All direction indications such as “left”, “right”, “front”, “rear” relate to the direction of
travel of the vehicle.
Units of measurement
All values are expressed in metric units.
Explanation of symbols
Denotes a reference to a section with important information and safety
advice in a chapter.
Denotes the end of a section.
Denotes the continuation of a section on the next page.
Indicates situations where the vehicle must be stopped as soon as possi-
® Denotes a registered trademark.
Indicates the texts displayed in the MAXI DOT screen.
Indicates the texts shown in the segment display.
In this owner's manual, the screen on the MAXI DOT display is used as the display
illustration, provided it is not otherwise stated.
The most important notes are marked with the heading WARNING. These
WARNING notes draw your attention to a serious risk of accident or injury.
A Caution note draws your attention to the possibility of damage to your vehicle
(e.g. damage to gearbox), or points out general risks of an accident.
For the sake of the environment
An Environmental note draws your attention to environmental protection aspects.
This is where you will, for example, find tips aimed at reducing your fuel consump-
A normal Note draws your attention to important information about the operation
of your vehicle.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Skoda Superb - 2013

Skoda Superb - 2013 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 283 pagina's

Skoda Superb - 2013 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 286 pagina's

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