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Notice: Powered by USB,door sensor won’t be in sleep
You can experience the various advanced features of
the product with the app, just try and do it yourself.
Main fuction
When the door magnetic
shell is removed, the app
will receive the push notice
and report the door
magnetic open / close
status (the tamper-proof
alarm has push notication
only , no history)
Alarm record
Device record
APP recording: Check all the added devices alarm
message in history
Other fuction
Linkage alarm setting
To connect two Sensors via scene setting.
Device sharing
Allow others to control the device
Push notication
Open/close push notication
Remove device
Restore default settings; Delete and add the device
again to clear the record by APP.
Make Your Home Smarter
Smart life
Detect open/close status of the door/window
Anti-demolition function,push notication when
device is removed
Battery:CR123A*1 3V
USB Power supply :5V/1A
Standby current :27.9uA
Wireless frequency: 2.4GHz
Wireless standard: IEEE 802.11b/g/n
Wi-Fi range: 45M
Main body: 82mm x 27mm x 23mm
Deputy body: 50mm x 13mm x 16mm
Device Status
Smart Wi-Fi
AP mode
Turn on
Turn o
LED State
Indicator ashes 2times/s
Indicator ashes 1time every 2s
Indicator ashes
Indicator o
Pressing button for 5-7s
Thanks for
Choosing our WiFi Smart Home Sensors
What’s the App User Interface Like ?SpecicationsProduct Conguration Experience Advanced FeaturesLED State Get Started with Tuya Smart App
1. Download APP
Download the "Smart life" app
from APP Store or Google Play
to your mobile.
2. Register and Login
Launch the "Smart life" app.
To register,enter your mobile phone number or email
address,create a password ,then login to the app.
Login if you have an account already.
3. Add Device
Power on the smart sensor which default's mode is
Smart WiFi mode.
Select the “+ symbol on the top right-hand corner.
Select your product type and follow the instructions of
the app.
If the connecting fails,try using AP Mode
On the “Add device page select AP Mode on the top
right-hand corner and follow the instructions of the app.
Finally,have fun!
How to reset?
(1) Press the reset button for 6 seconds till the indicator
ash rapidly.Then device turns to smart wi mode.
(2) Press the reset button again for 6 seconds till the
indicator ash slowly. The device turns to AP mode.
USB Port
Reset button
Tamper probe

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