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Cleaning and Care
Risk of injury!
Before cleaning, switch the microwave oven off and
remove the plug from the mains power socket.
Otherwise, there is the great risk of receiving an
electric shock!
immerse the appliance in water or other liquids.
This could result in you receiving a fatal electric
shock and the appliance could be damaged.
Always keep the interior of the microwave
oven clean.
If splashes of food or spilt liquids stick to the
walls of the microwave, wipe them off with a
damp cloth.
Use a mild detergent if the microwave is more
heavily soiled.
Avoid using cleaning sprays and other aggres-
sive cleaning agents, as they can cause stains,
stripes or a blurring of the door surface.
Clean the external walls with a damp cloth.
To avoid damage to the functional components
in the interior of the microwave, do not let liquids
to seep in through the ventilation slits 5.
Regularly remove splashes or contaminants. Cle-
an the door, both sides of the viewing window,
door seals and adjacent components with a
damp cloth. Do not use abrasive cleaning
Should steam collect on or around the outside
of the appliance door, wipe it off with a soft
towel. This can happen if the microwave is
operated in extremely humid conditions.
Clean the turntable 3 regularly. Clean the
plate in warm soapy water.
Clean the grill stand t in warm dishwater
and dry it well.
Regularly eliminate odours. Place a deep micro-
wave bowl with a cup of water and the juice
and peel of a lemon into the microwave oven.
Heat it up for 5 minutes. Wipe off thoroughly
and rub dry with a cloth.
Should replacement of the bulb in the micro-
wave be necessary, arrange for it to be ex-
changed by a dealer or consult our Service
The display 1 indicates nothing.
The plug is not inserted into a power socket.
Check the plug.
The mains power socket is defective.
Try another mains power socket.
The display 1 is defective. Contact our
Customer Services Department.
The appliance does not respond to pressing
the buttons.
The Child safety facility is activated. Deactivate
the Child safety facility (see chapter "Operation“).
The appliance does not start the cooking/
warming process.
The door is not properly closed. Close the
door correctly.
The turntable 3 generates loud noise when
The turntable 3 is not correctly positioned on
the axle. Insert the turntable 3 correctly into
the cooking area.
The small rollers 4 and/or the floor of the
cooking area are unclean. Clean the rollers 4
and the floor of the cooking area.

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Silvercrest SMW 900 EDS B2 - IAN 73194 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, English - 76 pagina's

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