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Potato gratin
• 750 g waxy potatoes, peeled
• 300 g cream
• 100 g grated cheese with a fat content of 25%
to 30 % fat in dry matter.
• Spices to taste (e.g., salt/pepper)
Use a microwave-proof, round dish with a lid, height
5-6 cm and a diameter of about 22 cm.
Cut the potatoes into slices around 3 - 4 mm
Place around half of the potato slices in the
baking dish in "roofing tile" formation.
Sprinkle the potatoes with around half of the
Add half of the spices in addition to approx.
150 g of cream.
Now place the rest of the potato slices in
"roofing tile" formation over the first layer.
Sprinkle the rest of the cheese over the potatoes
and pour the rest of the cream over this.
Sprinkle the remaining spices over the gratin.
Cover the dish with the cover and place it in
the centre of the turntable 3.
You will achieve the best results if you alternate
between the convection and microwave functions.
Always wait until the set cooking process has com-
pleted before setting the next process.
1. Microwave 900 W power, 10:00 min.
2. Convection 200°C, 13:00 min.
3. Microwave 900 W power, 10:00 min.
Pre-heating is not required.
This recipe yields 10 to 20 muffins.
Baking margarine (80% fat content) or salted
170 g granulated sugar (up to 0.3 mm grain
3 eggs (55-60 g with shell/Size M)
225 g wheat flour
7 g baking powder
0,25 g salt
Mix all ingredients well.
Fill the muffin pastry into commercial paper baking
cases (diameter 45 mm, height 28 mm)
Preheat the oven with the convection function to
Take note:
Should, due to the number of muffins, multiple
baking operations be necessary, preheating is
required only once.
Distribute the muffins evenly on the turntable 3.
Select the following settings for the baking
Convection 170°C, Duration: 12 Minutes

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