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Important safety instructions
Carefully read these safety and operating instructions
before the first use and preserve them for future re-
Warnings regarding damages to the appliance.
Danger! / Risk of injury!
Warning about physical injuries and electric shock!
Risk of fire!
Warning about risks of fire.
Note – Hints and tips for using the microwave.
Safety precautions for the avoidance of exces-
sive contact with microwave energy
Do not try to operate the appliance while the
door is open, as this can lead to you coming
into contact with a potentially harmful dose of
microwave radiation. It is also important not to
break open or manipulate the safety locks .
Do not jam anything between the front of the
appliance and the door, and make sure that
there is no residual food or cleaning agent
on the seals.
Risk of injury!
If the door or the door seal is damaged, UNDER
NO CIRCUMSTANCES may you continue to
use the appliance. Arrange for it to be repaired
as soon as possible by qualified specialists.
Never attempt to repair the appliance yourself.
Removal of the appliance housing could cause
the release of microwave energy. Arrange for
the repair to be carried out only by qualified
This appliance is not intended for use by individuals
(including children) with restricted physical, physio-
logical or intellectual abilities or deficiences in
experience and/or knowledge unless they are
supervised by a person responsible for their
safety or receive from this person instruction in
how the appliance is to be used. Children
should be supervised to ensure that they do
not play with the appliance.
Children may only be allowed to use the ap-
pliance without supervision if appropriate in-
structions have been given that have provided
the child with the knowledge to use the cooker
in a safe manner and to understand the risks
of improper use.
Only use this appliance for its intended purpose as
described in this manual. Do not use any caustic
chemicals or vapours in this appliance. This micro-
wave oven is especially designed for the heating,
cooking, grilling or drying of foodstuffs.
It is not designed for use in industrial or labora-
tory areas.
Do not operate the microwave oven if the power
cable or plug are damaged. To avoid the risk of
injury, arrange for damaged power cables or
plugs to be exchanged by qualified specialists.
Keep children well away from the microwave
oven when it is in use. Risk of Burns!
remove the microwave oven housing.
Should the lamp in the interior of the microwave
oven need replacing, arrange for this to be
done by a qualified specialist.
NEVER touch the microwave oven door, housing,
ventilation openings, accessories or the dinner-
ware directly after the grill, combi or automatic
menu process. The parts will be very hot. Allow
them to cool down before cleaning them.
Ensure that the plug is at all times easily accessible,
so that it can be quickly removed in the event of
an emergency.

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Silvercrest SMW 900 EDS B2 - IAN 73194 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, English - 76 pagina's

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