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Stainless Steel
Congratulations on the purchase of your new ap-
You have decided to purchase a high-quality pro-
duct. The operating instructions are a constituent
of this product. They contain important information
regarding safety, use and disposal. Before using the
product, familiarise yourself with all operating and
safety instructions. Use this appliance only as described
and only for the specified areas of application.
Please also pass these operating instructions on to
any future owner(s).
Intended Usage
This appliance is intended for the heating up and
preparation of foods in accordance with the described
Any modification to the appliance shall be deemed
to be improper use and entails considerable accident
hazards. The manufacturer accepts no responsibility
for damages arising from usage contrary to the in-
structions specified below.
This appliance is intended exclusively for use in
domestic households!
Do not use it in/for commercial, industrial or laboratory
Scope of delivery
Stainless Steel Microwave
Grill stand
Operating instructions
Concise information (2 no.)
Appliance description
Figure A:
1 Display
2 Door opener button
3 Turntable
4 Rollers
5 Ventilation slot
Figure B:
6 Microwave button
7 Grill button
8 Combination microwave - grill button
9 Combination microwave -
convection button
0 Convection button
q Clock button
w TIMER button (kitchen timer)
e Stop/child lock button
r Rotary knob / Start/quick start button
Figure C:
t Grill stands
Technical details
Nominal voltage: 230 - 240 V
50 Hz
Maximum power consumption
Microwave: 1400 W
Grill: 1500 W
Convection: 1950 W
Maximum power delivery
Microwave: 900 W +/- 10%
Microwave frequency: 2450 MHz

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Andere handleiding(en) van Silvercrest SMW 900 EDS B2 - IAN 73194

Silvercrest SMW 900 EDS B2 - IAN 73194 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, English - 76 pagina's

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