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Combination cooking process
This function combines the convection function
with the normal microwave operation. With this,
for example, meat is juicy and tender but still crisp.
Fire hazard!
Never use the grill stand t or other metallic objects
when you are using the microwave for combined
cooking processes. Metals reflect the microwave
radiation and it leads to the generation of sparks.
This could cause a fire and irreparably damage
the appliance!
1. Press the Combination microwave-convection
button 9 . The preset temperature
"200C" and the symbols and appear
in the display 1.
2. Now set the required temperature using the
rotary knob r : 110°C, 140°C, 170°C
or 200°C. Confirm your selection by pressing
the Start/quick start button r .
3. Now set the required cooking time using the
rotary knob r . The maximum cooking
time is 95 minutes. Press the Start/quick start
button r to confirm the set cooking time.
The combination process starts. The symbol for the
"Convection" combination cooking process
appears in the display 1. The programmed time
counts backwards. Once the set time has expired,
"End" and "Hot" are shown alternating in the dis-
play 1. A signal tone is heard repeatedly.
Auto menu
For foods to be prepared in automatic menu mode,
it is not necessary to enter the cooking time or power
setting. It is quite sufficient to enter which type of
food is to be cooked/boiled, and its weight.
Fire hazard!
Under NO circumstances may you use covers or
non-heat-resistant dishes for programmes with enabled
Grill function (A-01, A-02, A-03, A-04, A-05), as
they can melt or catch fire!
The microwave will calculate the time/power level for
fresh foods. Deep-frozen foods will not be cooked
properly using the times specified by the microwave
(with the exception of the "Pizza" automatic pro-
If needs be, defrost frozen foods with the defrost
programme beforehand (see section "Defrosting").
Starting the Auto menu
1. Turn the rotary knob r (in standby
mode) slowly to the left to call up the automa-
tic menu mode. A number (e.g. "A - 02" for
automatic programme 2 (pork)) and the "Pork"
symbol appear in the display 1. Turn the
rotary knob r to select the appropriate
automatic menu for your food.
If you have entered automatic menu mode by turning
the rotary knob r to the left, you can turn
the rotary knob to the right afterwards to select the
automatic menus in the sequence of A01, A02,
A03... .

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