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People fitted with a heart pacemaker should
consult their doctor about the possible risks of
using a microwave oven before taking one into
Do not allow the power cable to hang from a
table or work surface. Children could pull on it.
After they have been warmed up, always open
containers, popcorn-bags etc. with the opening
pointing away from your body. Escaping steam
could lead to scalds.
NEVER stand directly against the microwave
oven when opening the door. Escaping steam
could lead to scalds.
Do not fry in the microwave. Hot oil can damage
parts of the appliance and utensils and even
cause skin burns.
ALWAYS shake-up or stir warmed up baby glasses
or bottles! The contents could have heated up
unevenly and the baby could be burned/scalded
by them. AT ALL EVENTS, check their temperature
BEFORE feeding them to the baby!
Do not modify the microwave oven.
Microwave radiation is dangerous! Maintenance
and repairs requiring the removal of access co-
vers, which are intended for protection against
contact with microwave radiation, are to be
carried out by trained specialists only.
Before feeding babies, check the temperature
of the foodstuff/drink so as to avoid potentially
lethal burns or scalds.
Cooking utensils may become hot from the heat
emitted by the food, therefore you may require
oven gloves to touch them. In this case, a check
should also be made to ensure that the cooking
utensils are suitable for use with the microwave
Attention! Hot surfaces!
Risk of fire
NEVER leave the microwave oven unattended
if you are heating foodstuffs packed in plastics
or paper.
NEVER place flammable materials close to the
microwave oven or the ventilation openings.
Remove ALL metallic closures from the packaging
of the foodstuff that you intend to warm up.
Risk of fire!
When making popcorn, use only popcorn-bags
suitable for microwave ovens.
Do not use the microwave oven to warm up
cushions filled with kernels, cherry stones or
gels. Risk of fire!
Do not use the microwave oven for storing food-
stuffs or other objects.
Do not exceed the cooking times detailed by
the manufacturer.
Do not place any objects on the microwave
oven when it is in use. The ventilation openings
would be blocked!
Do not place the microwave oven adjacent to
other appliances discharging heat, for example,
an oven.
Clean the microwave oven thoroughly after
warming up greasy foods, especially if they
were not covered. Allow the appliance to cool
down completely before cleaning it. Residues
such as fat or grease cannot be allowed to
collect on the heating elements of the grill.
They could possibly ignite.
Do not thaw frozen fat or oil in the microwave
oven. The fat or oil could ignite.
Do not use an external timing switch or a separate
remote control system to operate the appliance.

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