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The appliance must not be operated with
an external time switch or separate
remote control system, such as a wireless
remote control socket.
Clean the appliance regularly in order to
avoid any build-up of grease which
could catch fire.
3.4 Protection against the danger of
As the appliance works
at high temperatures, please
observe the following safety
information to prevent fire.
While the appliance is operating, there
must be no flammable objects (e.g.
curtains, paper) in the immediate vicinity
of the appliance.
Never use the appliance to dry textiles
or other items on, over or in front of the
To avoid overheating, the appliance must
never be covered.
When setting up the appliance, maintain
a minimum distance of 5 cm from other
appliances and the wall.
Never operate the appliance in rooms
where there is a risk of explosion or in
the vicinity of flammable gases or
The appliance must never be placed
immediately beneath a wall socket, as
the heat it generates could damage the
electrical installation.
Never leave the appliance running when
it is unattended. The presence of odour
is almost always an indication of
damage. If you notice any such odour,
unplug the mains plug immediately and
have the appliance inspected. You will
find the service address in
“13. Warranty” on page 25.
3.5 Protection against injury
To avoid injury, please
observe the following information.
Ensure that it is not possible for anyone
to trip over or to get caught up in or step
on the mainscable.
The surface of the oven can become very
hot during operation. It is thus advisable
to use oven gloves or some sort of
protection to avoid any risk of burning
when operating the appliance.
To remove the hot tray or rack without
risk of burns, please use the tray removal
Once hot, if you wish to transport the
appliance, switch it off, pull out the
mains plug, and wait until the appliance
has cooled down. Otherwise you could
burn yourself on the hot surface.
Hot steam can escape from the steam
. Be careful not to scald yourself.
If the door
is opened during operation
of the appliance or immediately
afterwards, a rush of hot steam may
escape. Be careful not to scald yourself.
Do not use any sealed air-tight
containers with this appliance. The
resulting pressure may lead them to
3.6 For the safety of your child
Children often cannot
assess dangers correctly and are
injured as a result. Please therefore
observe the following:
This product may only be used under
adult supervision to ensure that children
do not play with the appliance.
Always take care to ensure the
appliance is kept out of the reach of
children at all times.
RP57458 Dampfgarer LB6 Seite 6 Montag, 27. August 1956 9:07 21

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