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SDBO 1850 A1
their safety or they have received
instructions from such a person as to
how to use the device. Children should
always be supervised to ensure that they
do not play with the device.
If there should be any malfunctions, the
appliance may only be repaired by our
Service Centre.
The appliance must only be set up on a
firm, level, dry and non-flammable
Check that the power socket is easily
accessible so that you can pull out the
mains plug quickly if necessary.
3.3 Protection against electric shock
The following safety
information is intended to protect
you against electric shock.
Only plug the appliance into a correctly
installed, earthed wall socket.
Do not use the appliance if it has fallen
on the floor, received a hard blow or
fallen into water. In this case, please
contact our Service Centre. You will find
the service address in “13. Warranty”
on page 25.
The appliance must not under any
circumstances be used if it is damaged.
Have the device repaired in such cases
by a qualified specialist. You will find the
service address in “13. Warranty” on
page 25.
If the mains cable for this appliance is
damaged, it must be replaced by the
manufacturer or a person with similar
qualifications in order to avoid a
Water or other liquids must never be
allowed to enter the casing
. For this
never use it outdoors
never place containers filled with
liquid, such as drinking glasses, vases
etc. on the appliance
never use in a very damp environment
such as a bathroom.
If liquid should enter the casing
unplug the mains plug immediately and
have the appliance repaired by a
qualified technician. Further information
can be found in “13. Warranty” on
page 25.
Never touch the appliance, the mains
cord or the mains plug with moist hands.
Always pull the mains cord out by the
plug. Never pull it by the cord itself.
Ensure that the mains cable is not
kinked, twisted or crushed.
Ensure that the mains cable is not
damaged on sharp edges.
Keep the mains cord away from hot
surfaces (such as stove eyes).
If you are not using the appliance for a
prolonged period of time, remove the
plug from the wall socket. Only then is
the appliance completely free of current.
You should avoid using extension cords.
This is only allowed under very
particular conditions:
The extension cord has to be suited for
the appliance's amperage.
The extension cord must not be
installed "loose": it must not be
possible to trip over it or within the
reach of children.
The extension cord must not by any
means be damaged.
No other devices other than this
appliance must be connected to the
mains socket, as otherwise
overloading of the power supply
network could occur (multiple sockets
are not allowed!).
RP57458 Dampfgarer LB6 Seite 5 Montag, 27. August 1956 9:07 21

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