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Operating Instructions
CE1B3058en / 17.11.2005 Subject to alteration Building Technologies / HVAC Products
RDF210... – the temperature controller that allows you to set the ideal room temperature you want. The controller provides normal operation or
auto timer mode with 8 programmable timers. The fan operates either in automatic mode or at the selected speed when using manual mode. You
can either rely on the factory settings or make adjustments that suit your individual needs.
Warmer / colder
setting the
temperature setpoints
and the time of day
Button for changing of
fan operating and standby
- Standby ( )
- Automatic fan speed (
- Manual fan speed ( )
Button operating mode
- Normal operation ( )
- Auto timer mode ( )
Weekday 1...7
(1 = Monday / 7 = Sunday)
Measured room temperature,
setpoints and parameters
Current time of day
Heating / cooling
changeover button
Only available with RDF210.2, to change
manually between heating and cooling mode
Auto timer program
Normal operation
Energy saving mode
Actual room temperature symbol
(for 12-hour mode)
Auto timer mode
Heating mode
Cooling mode
Automatic fan active
Time of day
Infrared receiver for
remote control
optional with
Low fan speed
Medium fan speed
High fan speed
Setting the time of day and the weekday
1. Keep the button pressed until the time digits start to flash and then press or to set the time of day. If the current
time is the 24-hour format and you wish to change to the 12-hour format, press
passing 23:59 or press passing 00:00.
Vice versa back to the 24-hour format.
2. Confirm the time of day by pressing
and the weekday indicator starts to flash.
3. Press
or to set the current weekday.
4. Confirm the current weekday by pressing
Are your rooms too warm or too cold?
Do you want to set your controller to standby?
Press the button several times until the display shows the symbol to
indicate that standby is selected.
In standby
, the controller maintains the adjusted lower setpoint of heating
(parameter P03) or the higher setpoint of cooling (parameter P04).
If the setpoint of standby is set to OFF (factory setting), the controller will not be
active in standby.
Risk of frost!
Do you want to change the fan mode?
Press the button until you have selected the desired fan mode.
In automatic mode, the fan speed is automatically selected by the controller and
depends on the setpoint and the actual room temperature. When the room
temperature has reached the setpoint, the fan switches off.
In manual mode the fan operates independently and always runs at the same speed:
Low, medium or high.
The actual fan speed is indicated by the number of fan symbols.
Low fan speed
Medium fan speed
High fan speed
Do you want to change from heating to cooling mode?
With the RDF210, the changeover between cooling and heating is done either
automatically by a heating / cooling changeover sensor or a remote changeover
switch. If the controller is commissioned cooling only or heating only, no changeover
is possible (see parameter P22; factory setting cooling only).
With the RDF210.2, when pressing the
button, the controller changes from
heating to cooling or vice versa.
Do you want to change to auto timer mode?
Press the
button once to select auto timer mode . In auto timer mode, the
controller will automatically change over between normal operation and energy saving
mode according to the 8 preprogrammed timers.
Do you want to set the programmable timer settings?
To adjust the time schedule, keep the button pressed for 3 seconds to go to
the programmable timer setting mode.
This mode is indicated by displaying Ax (x= auto timer 1...8) and the time xx:xx
flashing. For each auto timer, proceed as follows:
1. The
and symbols are displayed. Press or to adjust the normal
operation start time and confirm by pressing
2. The
and symbols are displayed. Press or to adjust the normal
operation end time or energy saving start time respectively and confirm by
3. Symbol
will flash. Press or to select or deselect each day and
advance to the next day. Confirm setting for actual timer by pressing
and advance to the next timer
The controller will leave the programmable timer setting mode if no button is pressed
within 20 seconds. All changes made after the last press of
button will not be
Only applicable in normal operation.
or allows you to increase or decrease the current room temperature setpoint for normal operation in
increments of 0.5 °C. The maximum setting range is from 5...40 °C, unless it is limited by parameters P05 and P06.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Siemens RDF 210

Siemens RDF 210 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Siemens RDF 210 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 2 pagina's

Siemens RDF 210 Installatiehandleiding - Alle talen - 2 pagina's

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