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1. Safety information
Attention: Be sure to read this user guide and the
safety precautions before using your telephone.
Electronic Devices
To avoid electromagnetic interference, please turn
off the headset in any place where posted notices
instruct you to do so.
Note: Most modern electronic devices are suscepti-
ble to electromagnetic interference (EMI) if inade-
quately shielded, designed, or otherwise configu-
red for electromagnetic compatibility.
Turn off the headset when on board an aircraft. The
use of this headset might interfere with the electri-
cal system of an aircraft.
Gigaset ZX600
Bluetooth Headset
User Manual in English
Medical Instruments
Using your headset may affect nearby medical equi-
pment. Be aware of the technical conditions in your
particular environment e. g., doctor's surgery.
Power Adapter
Only use the supplied power adapter with the
You are advised to put the headset in a safe place
where it will not be bent or crushed otherwise it
may harm the users.
Additional Safety Information
Headsets can emit high-volume and high-fre-
quency tones. Subjecting your ears to these tones
may lead to permanent loss of hearing. The volume
required depends on the conditions under which
you use the device. Please read and understand the
safety precautions below before using the headset.
Before using this product, complete the
following steps:
Set the volume to the minimum setting before
putting on the headset.
Put on the headset and adjust the volume to a
comfortable level.
While using this product:
Always keep the volume as low as possible and
avoid using the headset in a noisy environment
where you may have a tendency to increase the
2. General Descriptions
Gigaset ZX600 is a Bluetooth-enabled, wireless
handsfree headset designed to work with Gigaset,
mobile phones and other portable devices as long
as they adhere to the Bluetooth specifications and
support either the headset or handsfree Bluetooth
3. Getting started
3.1 Identifying parts
1 Front of headset 4 Earbuds holster
2 Multifunction
5 Earloop
3 Earphone cover 6 Volume key
3.2 Adjusting the headset
The lightweight Gigaset ZX600 can be worn
comfortably on either ear. Adjust the headset
according to the following figures.
Note: You can adjust the earloop angle for com-
fort, but please be careful not to break the clip.
Wearing with
Adjust the
Wearing on
left ear
Wearing on
right ear
3.3 Status LED
3.4 Charging the built-in battery
Gigaset ZX600 has a built-in battery, which must be
charged fully before using the headset. Charging
takes about 2 hours. You can charge the headset
through the AC adapter or USB connector on the
Headset state LED colour Status
Power off Red Steady for 1 sec.
Power on Blue Steady for 1 sec.
Pairing Mode Red and blue Flash alternately
Pair Success Blue Steady for 5 sec.
Standby Mode Blue and red Flash once every
5 sec.
Ringing Violet Flash once every
1 sec.
Ongoing Call Blue Flash once every
ca. 10 sec.
Charging Mode Red Always on
Red and blue Always off
1 Be sure the USB connector is aligned correctly
and do not force the connection. Use the USB
icon on the connector and in the illustrations
below as a guide.
2 The headset is disabled when charging.
Using USB charging adapter
USB Charging Interface
Using USB cable
4. The functions at a glance
Phone operation:
Pairing the headset with a phone
Before you can use the headset to make calls, you
must pair the headset with your phone. Pairing cre-
ates a secure link between your phone and the uni-
que ID of the headset. You only have to pair devices
1 To put the headset in pairing mode, press and
hold (longer than 5 seconds) the multi-function
button until the LED flashes red/blue.
2 Scroll to the Bluetooth menu in your Gigaset
phone and search for active devices. Refer to
your phone's user manual for details.
3 When the search is completed, a list of found
devices is displayed.
Time period/function
Short press Press less than 1 second
Long press Press more than 3 seconds
Press and hold Press more than 5 seconds
MFB button Multi-function button
Button .. (Vol+) Volume up button
Button . (Vol-) Volume down button
4 Select ZX600 and, when prompted, input the
default passkey (0000). When successfully
paired, the red/blue LED on the headset chan-
ges to flashing blue.
Note: You can pair the headset with up to eight
Bluetooth devices. When you pair the device with a
ninth device, the oldest paired device is deleted.
Phone functions at glance
Power on Power off Long press multi-
function button
Power off Power on Very long press multi-
function button
Pairing Power off Very long press multi-
function button
Answer inco-
ming call
Short press multi-
function button
Reject inco-
ming call
Long press multi-func-
tion button
End a call Ongoing
Short press multi-
function button
Volume+ Power on Short press button
Volume- Power on Short press button
Voice divert
betw. headset
and phone
Long press multi-func-
tion button
Voice dialling
(if supported by
Connected Long press multi-func-
tion button
Redial Connected Double short press
multi-function button
5. Specifications
6. Removing the battery
Battery capacity 100 mAh Li-Polymer
Talk time up to 7 hours
Standby time up to 170 hours
Weight 15 g
Size 55.6 x 21,5 x 14 mm
Bluetooth Bluetooth 2.0 headset,
handsfree profile
Environmental conditi-
ons in operation
0 °C to +50 °C
7. Authorisation
This device is intended for use within the European Eco-
nomic Area and Switzerland. If used in other countries,
it must first be approved nationally in the country in
question. Country-specific requirements have been
taken into consideration. We, Gigaset Communications
GmbH, declare that this device meets the essential
requirements and other relevant regulations laid down
in Directive 1999/5/EC.
A copy of the 1999/5/EC Declaration of Conformity is
available at this Internet address:
8. Disposal
Batteries should not be disposed of in gene-
ral household waste. Observe the local waste
disposal regulations, details of which can be
obtained from your local authority. All elec-
trical and electronic products should be dis-
posed of separately from the municipal waste stream
via designated collection facilities appointed by the
government or the local authorities. This crossed-out
wheeled bin symbol on the product means the product
is covered by the European Directive 2002/96/EC. The
correct disposal and separate collection of your old
appliance will help prevent potential negative conse-
quences for the environment and human health. It is a
precondition for reuse and recycling of used electrical
and electronic equipment. For more detailed informa-
tion about disposal of your old appliance, please con-
tact your local council refuse centre or the original sup-
plier of the product.
Note: Your device uses a battery that is sub-
ject to EU Directive 2006/66/EC and national
legal regulations based thereon. The device
and the battery contained therein may not
be disposed of in unsorted household waste;
they must be disposed of at a facility for separate collec-
tion of waste. As shown in the illustration (6. Removing
the battery), the battery can be removed easily. The best
approach is to have it removed and correctly disposed
of by a professional at an official collection point. Cau-
tion: Opening the device will result in its being
damaged or destroyed.
9. Protecting our environment
Our environmental mission statement
We, Gigaset Communications GmbH, bear social
responsibility and are actively committed to a better
world. Our ideas, technologies and actions serve peo-
ple, society and the environment. The aim of our global
activity is to secure sustainable life resources for huma-
nity. We are committed to a responsibility for our pro-
ducts that comprises their entire life cycle. The environ-
mental impact of products, including their manufac-
ture, procurement, distribution, use, service and dispo-
sal, are already evaluated during product and process
Further information on environmentally friendly pro-
ducts and processes is available on the Internet at
Environmental management system
Gigaset Communications GmbH is certified
pursuant to the international standards EN
14001 and ISO 9001. ISO 14001 (Environ-
ment): certified since September 2007 by
TüV SÜD Management Service GmbH. ISO
9001 (Quality): certified since 17/02/1994 by
TüV Süd Management Service GmbH.
10. Caring for your telephone
Wipe the unit with a damp cloth or an antistatic cloth.
Do not use solvents or microfibre cloths. Never use a dry
cloth. This can cause static.
11. Customer Service & Assistance
Do you have any questions? As a Gigaset customer,
you can find help quickly in this User Manual and in
the service section of our Gigaset online portal
Our representatives are also available on the telep-
hone hotlines for consultation.
Denmark: +45 (0) 35 25 86 00
Finland: 09 231 134 25
Netherlands: 0900-3333102(0,25 €)
Sweden: 08-750 99 11
Norway: 22 70 84 00
(Oppstartskost 89 øre + 15 øre pr minutt fra fasttelefon linje. For
samtaler fra mobil vil det gjelde egne priser.)
Please have your record of purchase ready when
Replacement or repair services are not offered in
countries where our product is not sold by authori-
sed dealers.
1. Sikkerhedsregler
Advarsel: Læs sikkerhedsreglerne og betjeningsve-
jledningen inden brug.
Elektronisk udstyr
For at undgå elektromagnetiske forstyrrelser, skal
headsættet slukkes, når man opfordres dertil med
relevante advarselsskilte. Bemærk: De fleste
moderne elektroniske apparater er følsom over for
elektromagnetisk interferens (EMI), hvis de ikke er
afskærmet tilstrækkeligt eller er tilsvarende kon-
strueret eller på anden vis er konfigureret til elektro-
magnetisk kompatibilitet.
Vigtige oplysninger på dansk
Sluk headsættet om bord på fly. Ved brug af dette
headsæt om bord på fly kan flyets elektronik blive
Medicinsk udstyr
Funktionen af medicinsk udstyr kan blive påvirket.
r opmærksom på de tekniske betingelser i
omgivelserne, f.eks. lægepraksis.
Anvend venligst udelukkende den oplader, der blev
leveret sammen med headsættet.
Opbevar venligst headsættet således, at det ikke
bliver bøjet at kan blive beskadiget. Ellers kan brug-
eren kan komme til skade.
Ekstra sikkerhedsregel
Headsæts kan afspille lyd i høje frekvenser og med
høj lydstyrke. Hvis hørelsen udsættes for sådanne
lyde, kan det medføre et permanent høretab.
Lydstyrken afhænger muligvis af de betingelser
apparatet bruges under. Gør dig venligst fortrolig
med nedenstående sikkerhedsforanstaltninger,
inden brug af headsættet.
Udfør følgende trin, inden anvendelse
af produktet:
Sæt lydstyrken til Minimum, inden du tager
headsættet på.
Tag headsættet på og indstil en lydstyrke, som
du synes er behagelig.
Ved brug af produktet:
Indstil lydstyrken altid så lav som muligt, og undgå
anvendelsen af headsættet i støjende omgivelser,
hvor du vil være tilbøjelig til at skrue op for lydstyr-
2. Godkendelser
Denne enhed er beregnet til brug i Det Europæiske
Økonomiske Fællesskab og Schweiz, i andre lande
afhængigt af nationale godkendelser.
Der er taget hensyn til særlige forhold i det enkelte land.
Gigaset Communications GmbH erklærer hermed, at
denne enhed opfylder de grundlæggende krav og
andre relevante bestemmelser i direktiv 1999/5/EF.
Du kan finde en kopi af overensstemmelseserklæringen
i henhold til 1999/5/EF på den følgende internet-
3. Bortskaffelse
Batterier må ikke kasseres som husholdningsaffald. Vær
opmærksom på de lokale affaldsbestemmelser, som du
kan få hos kommunen eller i butikken, hvor du har købt

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Siemens Gigaset ZX600 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Espanôl - 76 pagina's

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