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AL13H (AL14H) / SEA / A31008-M2050-Y701-1-7619 / AL14H_EN_SEA.fm / 10.09.2008
Wipe down the base station and handset with a
damp cloth (no solvents) or an antistatic cloth.
Never use a dry cloth. This can cause a build up of
Contact with liquid
If the handset should come into contact with liq-
Switch off the handset and remove the bat-
tery pack immediately.
Allow the liquid to drain from the handset.
Pat all parts dry, then with the battery compart-
ment open and the keypad facing down place
e handset in a dry, warm place for at least
72 hours (no
t in a microwave, oven etc.).
Do not switch on the handset again until it is
completely dry.
When it has fully dried out, you will normally be
e to use it again.
Questions and answers
If you have any questions about using your phone,
visit us at
www.gigaset.com/customercare at any
time. The table below contains a list of common
oblems and possible solutions.
Service (Customer Care)
We offer you support that is fast and tailored to
your specific needs!
Our Online Support on the Internet:
For more information on aftersales service, please
efer to your local warranty card.
In some countries repair and replace services are
possible where the products are not sold
through our authorised dealers.
Problem Cause Solution
appears in the
The handset is
not switched on.
Battery pack is
Press the end call key
a for approx. 5 sec-
onds or place the hand-
set in the base station.
Charge/replace the bat-
tery pack (page 3).
No reaction to
y press.
The keypad lock
is activated.
Press the hash key
for approx. 2 seconds
(page 1).
No wireless
nnection to
the base sta-
tion, Ba
flashes in the
The handset is
tside the
range of the
base station.
The handset is
t registered.
Move the handset
closer t
o the base
Register the handset
(page 3).
Issued by
Gigaset Communications GmbH
Schlavenhorst 66
D-46395 Bocholt
© Gigaset Communications GmbH 2008
Gigaset Communications GmbH is a trademark
licensee of Siemens AG
All rights reserved. Subject to availability.
Rights of modification reserved.
A31008- M2050- Y701- 1- 7619
This user guide is made from 100% recycled paper.
Version: 20.09.2008

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