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AL13H (AL14H) / SEA / A31008-M2050-Y701-1-7619 / AL14H_EN_SEA.fm / 10.09.2008
Emergency numbers cannot be dialled if the keypad lock
(page 1) is activated!
Not all of the functions described in this user guide are
vailable in all countries.
ECO DECT reduces power consumption by using an
energy efficient power supply.
Your handset also reduces the transmission power
g on the distance to the base station.
Setting up the telephone for use
Setting up the handset for use
Fitting the battery pack
Insert the plug into the socket as shown in the
enlarged view.
Insert the battery pack.
Place the leads in the lead guides.
Closing the battery cover
Place the cover on the battery compartment as
shown in
the diagram, then push it up until it clicks
into position.
Opening the battery cover
Press down on the battery cover below its upper
end a
nd slide the cover down.
Registering the handset
You must initiate handset registration on the hand-
set and on the base station.
Once it has been registered, the handset returns to
idle st
atus. If several handsets are registered to the
base station, the internal number is shown in the
top left of the display after registration, e.g. 2.
If the internal numbers 1 to 4 have already been
signed (four handsets have already been registe-
red), handset number four is deregistered and
On the base station
To find out how to register the handset on the base
ation, see the user guide for the base station.
All electrical and electronic equipment must be
disposed of separately from general household
waste using the sites designated by local
If a product displays this symbol of a crossed-out
sh bin, the product is subject to European
Directive 2002/96/EC.
The appropriate disposal and separate collec-
tion of used equipment serve to prevent poten-
tial harm to the environment and to health.
ey are a precondition for the re-use and recy-
cling of used electrical and electronic equip-
For further information on disposing of your
equipment, please contact your local
authority, your refuse collection service or the
dealer you purchased the product from.
Please note:
The display is protected by a plastic film.
Please remove the protective film!
Place the battery leads in the lead guides so
that the battery cover cannot catch on the leads
and damage them when it is closed.
Use only the rechargeable battery pack rec-
ommended by Gigaset Communications GmbH
(page 5), i.e. never use a conventional (non-
rechargeable) battery pack as this could result in
ficant health risks and personal injury.
For example, the battery pack could explode.
e phone could also malfunction or be damaged
as a
result of using batteries that are not of the
recommended type.
Never use non-Gigaset battery chargers as
this could damage the battery pack.
Only place the handset in the charging cradle
that is intended for it.
* Gigaset Communications GmbH is a trademark
licensee of Siemens AG.

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