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Probable cause(s)
One or more
fixtures are
completely dead.
No power to the fixture
Check that power is switched on
and cables are plugged in.
Primary fuse blown.
Replace fuse.
Fixtures reset
correctly, but all
erratically or not
at all to the
The controller is not connected.
Connect controller.
3-pin XLR Out of the controller
does not match XLR Out of the first
fixture on the link (i.e. signal is
Install a phase reversing cable
between the controller and the first
fixture on the link.
Fixtures reset
correctly, but
some respond
erratically or not
at all to the
Poor data quality
Check data quality. If much lower
than 100 percent, the problem may
be a bad data link connection, poor
quality or broken cables, missing
termination plug, or a defective
fixture disturbing the link.
Bad data link connection
Inspect connections and cables.
Correct poor connections. Repair or
replace damaged cables.
Data link not terminated with 120
Ohm termination plug.
Insert termination plug in output jack
of the last fixture on the link.
Incorrect addressing of the fixtures.
Check address setting.
One of the fixtures is defective and
disturbs data transmission on the
Bypass one fixture at a time until
normal operation is regained: unplug
both connectors and connect them
directly together.
Have the defective fixture serviced
by a qualified technician.
3-pin XLR Out on the fixtures does
not match (pins 2 and 3 reversed).
Install a phase-reversing cable
between the fixtures or swap pin 2
and 3 in the fixture, that behaves
Shutter closes
The color wheel, gobowheel or a
gobo has lost its index position and
the fixture is resetting the effect.
Contact a technician for servicing
the problem persists.
No light or lamp
cuts out
Fixture is too hot.
Allow fixture to cool.
Clean fan.
Make sure air vents at control panel
and front lens are not blocked.
Turn up the air conditioning .
LEDs damaged
Disconnect fixture and return to your
The power supply settings do not
match local AC voltage and
Disconnect fixture. Check settings
and correct if necessary.

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