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Unplug the refrigerator first to prevent electric
Do not splash water directly on the outer cabinet
or the interior. This may lead to rusting and
deterioration of the electrical insulation.
To prevent cracking on inside surfaces and plastic
components, follow these tips.
Wipe any food oils adhered to plastic components.
Some household chemicals may cause damage, so use
only diluted washing-up liquid (soapy water).
If undiluted detergent is used or soapy water is not wiped
off thoroughly, cracking of plastic parts can result.
Remove the shelves and pockets from the cabinet and
door. Wash them in warm soapy dishwashing water;
rinse in clean water and dry. (Only fruit and vegetable
shelf is not removable.)
Clean the inside with a cloth soaked in warm soapy
dishwashing water. Then, use cold water to wipe off
soapy water.
Wipe the exterior with a soft cloth each time it is soiled.
Clean the Magnetic door seal with a toothbrush and
warm soapy dishwashing water.
To prevent damage to your refrigerator, do not use heavy
duty cleansers or solvents (lacquer, paint, polishing powder,
benzine, boiled water, etc.).
If the power supply is disconnected, please wait for at least
5 minutes before re-connecting power.
The glass shelves weigh approximately 2 kg each. Hold
firmly when removing from the cabinet or carrying.
Do not drop objects inside the refrigerator or strike the inner
wall. This may cause the inner surface to crack.
Defrosting is fully automatic due to a unique energy saving
When the compartment light is blown
Contact the service agent approved by SHARP to request
a replacement compartment light. The compartment light
is not to be removed other than by qualified service
Switching off your refrigerator
If you switch your refrigerator off when you are going away
for an extended period, remove all food, clean the interior
thoroughly. Remove the power cord plug from the power
socket and leave all doors open.
Before you call for service, check the following points.
Refer to your nearest service agent approved by SHARP.
Problem Solution
The outside of a cabinet is hot when
It is normal. The hot pipe is in the cabinet in order to prevent dew generation.
When there is refrigerator noise. It is normal for the refrigerator to produce the following sounds.
Loud noise produced by the compressor when operation starts
--- Sound becomes quieter after a while.
Loud noise produced once a day by the compressor
--- Operating sound produced immediately after automatic defrost
Sound of flowing fluid (gurgling sound, fizzing sound)
--- Sound of refrigerant flowing in pipes (sound may become louder from
time to time).
Cracking or crunching sound, squeaking sound
--- Sound produced by expansion and contraction of inner walls and internal
parts during cooling.
Frosting or dew generation occurs
inside or outside the refrigerator.
This may occur in one of the following cases. Use a wet cloth for wiping frost
and a dry cloth for wiping dew.
When the ambient humidity is high.
When the door is frequently opened and closed.
When foods containing plenty of moisture are stored. (Wrapping is required.)
The foods in the refrigerator
compartment freeze.
Is the refrigerator operated for a long time with temp. control set at MAX?
Low ambient temperature may cause placed foods to freeze even if
refrigerator temp. control is set to MIN.
It smells in the compartment. Wrapping is required for the foods with strong smell.
Deodorizing unit cannot remove all of smell.
(A850)Eng.fm Page 7 Monday, October 29, 2007 9:55 AM

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