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Highly volatile and flammable materials such as ether,
petrol, propane gas, adhesive agents and pure alcohol
etc. are liable to explode. Do not store these materials in
the refrigerator.
Dust deposited on the power plug may cause fire. Wipe
it off carefully.
Do not attempt to change or modify this refrigerator. This
may result in fire, electric shock or injury.
Ensure that the refrigerator presents no danger to
children while being stored for disposal. (e.g. remove the
door to prevent child entrapment.)
This refrigerator should be disposed appropriately. Take
the refrigerator to a recycling plant for flammable
insulation blowing gases.
Do not touch the compressor unit or its peripheral parts,
as they become extremely hot during operation and the
metal edges may cause injury.
Do not touch foods or metal containers in the freezer
compartment with your wet hands. This may cause
Do not use an extension cord or adapter plug.
Do not place bottled and canned drinks in the freezer as
they may crack when frozen.
Make sure that the power cord has not been damaged
during installation or moving. If the power plug or cord is
loose, do not insert the power plug. There is a risk of
electric shock or fire.
Disconnect from the mains electricity supply by
removing the mains plug from the electricity supply
socket. Do not remove by pulling the mains lead. This
may cause electric shock or fire.
The refrigeration system behind and inside the
refrigerator contains refrigerant. Do not allow any sharp
objects to come into contact with the refrigeration
Should the flexible supply cord be damaged, it must be
replaced by service agent approved by SHARP as a
special cord is required.
In case of gas leak, ventilate the area by opening a
window, etc. Do not touch the refrigerator or the power
Do not place objects containing liquid or unsteady
objects on top of refrigerator.
This refrigerator is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physical, sensory or
mental capabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or
instruction concerning use of the refrigerator by a person
responsible for their safety. Young children should be
supervised to ensure that they do not play with the
Do not install the refrigerator in a damp or wet
location as this may cause damage to the
insulation and a leak. Condensation may also
build on the outer cabinet and cause rust.
Keep adequate ventilation space around the
The figure shows the minimum required space for
installing the refrigerator. It differs from the space in
the measurement condition of the amount of power
It is possible to use the refrigerator with a less amount
of power consumption by keeping greater space.
If using the refrigerator in the space below dimension
of the figure, it may cause the temperatures in the unit
to rise, loud noise, and failure.
Using the two front adjustable feet, ensure that the
refrigerator is positioned firmly and level on the floor.
Remove the 2 screws of the cabinet lower part, and
use these to fit the foot covers. (supplied inside the
refrigerator compartment)
Position your refrigerator so that the plug is accessible.
Keep your refrigerator out of direct sunlight.
Do not place next to heat generating appliance.
Do not place directly on the ground.
Provide suitable stand.
When transporting
Using the casters, it is possible to move back and forth.
Carry the refrigerator by holding the handles located on
the rear and bottom.
Before using your refrigerator
Clean the inside parts with a cloth soaked in warm water.
If soapy water is used, wipe it off thoroughly with water.
Thank you very much for buying this SHARP product. Before using your SHARP refrigerator, please read this operation
manual to ensure that you gain the maximum benefit from it.
or more
60 mm
or more
90 mm or more
1140 mm
1310 mm
Foot cover
Adjustable foot
(A850)Eng.fm Page 5 Monday, October 29, 2007 9:55 AM

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