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The mains lead of this product is fitted with a non-rewireable (moulded) plug incorporating a 13A fuse. Should the fuse
need to be replaced, a BSI or ASTA approved BS 1362 fuse marked
or and of the same rating as above, which is
also indicated on the pin face of the plug, must be used.
Always refit the fuse cover after replacing the fuse. Never use the plug without the fuse cover fitted.
In the unlikely event of the socket outlet in your home not being compatible with the plug supplied, cut off the mains plug
and fit an appropriate type.
The fuse from the cut-off plug should be removed and the cut-off plug destroyed immediately and disposed of in a safe
Under no circumstances should the cut-off plug be inserted elsewhere into a 13A socket outlet, as a serious electric shock
may occur.
To fit an appropriate plug to the mains lead, follow the instructions below:
The wires in the mains lead are coloured in accordance with the following code:
Blue: Neutral
Brown: Live
As the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this product may not correspond with the coloured markings identifying the
terminals in your plug, proceed as follows:
The wire which is coloured blue must be connected to the plug terminal which is marked N or coloured black.
The wire which is coloured brown must be connected to the plug terminal which is marked L or coloured red.
Ensure that neither the brown nor the blue wire is connected to the earth terminal in your three-pin plug.
Before replacing the plug cover make sure that:
If the new fitted plug contains a fuse, its value is the same as that removed from the cut-off plug.
The cord grip is clamped over the sheath of the mains lead, and not simply over the lead wires.
DivX Certified® to play DivX® video up to HD 1080p, including premium content.
ABOUT DIVX VIDEO: DivX® is a digital video format created by DivX, LLC, a subsidiary of Rovi Corporation. This is an
official DivX Certified® device that plays DivX video. Visit divx.com for more information and software tools to convert your
files into DivX videos.
ABOUT DIVX VIDEO-ON-DEMAND: This DivX Certified® device must be registered in order to play purchased DivX Video-
on-Demand (VOD) movies. To obtain your registration code, locate the DivX VOD section in your device setup menu. Go to
vod.divx. com for more information on how to complete your registration.
Covered by one or more of the following U.S. Patents:
7,295,673; 7,460,668; 7,515,710; 7,519,274
YouTube and the YouTube logo are trademarks of Google Inc.
LC-39LE650E/V LC-50LE650E/V
LC-39LE651E/K/V LC-50LE651E/K/V LC-60LE651E/K
LC-39LU651E LC-50LU651E LC-60LU651E
LC-39LE652E/V LC-50LE652E/V LC-60LE652E
LC-39LM652E/V LC-50LM652E LC-60LM652E
LC-39LK652E LC-50LK652E LC-60LK652E
LC-39LX652E LC-50LX652E LC-60LX652E
LC-39LE654E/V LC-50LE654E/V LC-60LE654E
39”: ( )
50”: [ ]
60”: [( )]
(881) / [1123] / [(1368)]
(517) / [654] / [(798)]
(590) / [727] / [(871)]
(859) / [1100] / [(1335)]
(483) / [620] / [(754)]
(457) / [485] / [(585)]
(337) / [406] / [(478)]
(73) / [74] / [(73)]
(242) / [265] / [(308)]
(200) / [400] / [(400)]
(200) / [200] / [(400)]
(183) / [206] / [(230)]

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Sharp LC-50LE652V Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 64 pagina's

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