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Don‘t put the machine in the rain or the
mist in case of lightning and re.
Attention: Don‘t block the hole of ventilati-
on or put objects on the machine.
Attention: Leave some space around
the machine in order to be ventilated.
10“ Subwoofer Box
Max. peak Power: 400 W
Max. RMS Power: 120 W
Frequency range (L.P.F.): 50 Hz ~ 250 Hz
(± 2 dB)
Variable LOW Pass Filter
Input sensitivity: 0,2 V ~ 6 V
Speaker impedance: 4 Ohms
Plastic Grill Cover
Dimensions: 45×30,6×28,8 cm
Fuse 30 A
1. Connection of Power Cord
Since this unit deals with a high
power, large current will ow and the
wiring of the power cord is high impor-
Connect the red conductor directly
to the (+) battery terminal using the
cable with the fuse holder.
Connect the black wire tightly to
an appropriate screw on the metal
part of car after removing paint for
proper grounding. Be sure to use the
screw not to bring danger for driving.
Proper connection will provide clear
2. Connection of Remote ON/OFF Wire
Connect the conductor to the swit-
ching output. After connecting to this
device, you will be able to turn it on
and off together with the car radio.
You will nd the switching power
cable next to the car‘s radio antenna
Note: It is not possible to turn on the
subwoofer without connecting the
REM terminal!
3. Connection of Aux Input (Low Input)
Connect Aux input wires with RCA
type pin jack as follows:
WHITE to L ch pre-input of the car
RED to R ch of the car stereo
4. Input sensitivity control
Adjust the input sensitivity to output
of a car stereo connected.
The original version is in the Czech language.
Address of the manufacturer: FAST ČR, a.s., Černokostelecká 1621, CZ-251 01 Říčany

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