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CPress repeatedly to select the digits (flashing) to be adjusted.
APress to set the flashing digits.
*The digits move quickly if Button A is kept pressed.
After all the adjustments are completed, press to return to the ALARM display.
*The alarm mark and alarm on mark will be automatically displayed.
When the automatic shut-off function is set to “ON” in the TIME/
CALENDAR SETTING display, the following energy-saving functions
will be activated to help extend the battery life.
Regardless of the display modes, when the stopwatch is left
untouched for one hour, the display becomes blank in order to
minimize battery consumption.
The current time will be displayed once every 10 seconds even
while the display is blank, to indicate that the blank display is not
caused by battery exhaustion.
While the stopwatch or timer is measuring, the display will not
become blank for the energy-saving functions.
If the alarm is engaged, the alarm will sound at the designated
time even while the display is blank.
To return to the normal display, press either Button A, B, C or D.
The last display before it became blank will be shown.
Automatic shut-off mark
When the automatic shut-off
function is set to “ON,” this mark
appears in any display mode
except while the stopwatch is in
the setting mode.
The alarm sounds for approximately 20 seconds at the designated time and automatically stops.
Press any of buttons A, B, C, or D to stop the alarm while sounding.
*If the alarm time coincides with time-up time while the Double repeat time is counting, the time-up beep is activated first.
When an abnormal display (broken digits, etc.) appears, follow the procedure below. The built-in IC will be reset and the watch will resume
normal operation.
Be sure to press buttons A, B, C, and D at the same time for 2 to 3 seconds. The display will become blank, and then “Sun ’06 1-1 A12:00 will
be displayed. Set the time, calendar and alarm before using the watch.
*Please note that if the IC is reset, all data of the MEMO function is deleted.
The miniature battery which powers your stopwatch should last approximately 3 years (or approximately 7 years if the ECO mode is activated). However,
because the battery is inserted at the factory to check the function and performance of the stopwatch, its actual life once in your possession may be less
than the specified period. When the battery expires, be sure to replace it as soon as possible to prevent any malfunction. For battery replacement, we
recommend that you contact an AUTHORIZED SEIKO DEALER and request a SEIKO CR2032 battery.
If the stopwatch is used for more than 3 hours a day, the Double Repeat Timer function is used more than 5 times a day, the confirmation sound for button operation
rings more than 50 times a day, or if the alarm is used more than once a day, the battery life may be less than the specified period.
Battery life indicator
1. Frequency of crystal oscillator ...................... 32,768Hz (Hz = Hertz … Cycles per second)
2. Accuracy ......................................................... 0.0012% or 30 seconds per month at normal temperature (25ºC 3)
3. Operational temperature range .................... –10ºC - +60ºC
4. Desirable temperature range of use ............. 0ºC - 50ºC
5. Display system
TIME/CALENDAR display ........................ Hour, minutes, seconds, year, month, date and day of the week
(The calendar automatically adjusts for odd and even months including February of leap years from January 1, 2006
to December 31, 2055.)
STOPWATCH display .............................. 2 rows of digital displays and a dot matrix display (5 x 35 dots)
Hour, minutes, seconds and 1/10 DM (Measures up to 99999.9 DM)
Up to 100 sets of lap times and split times can be stored in memory.
TIMER display .......................................... Timer 1 and Timer 2 displays
Hour, minutes, seconds, the number of times the countdown was repeated and the number of times the countdown
is to be repeated.
ALARM display ........................................ Alarm time (hour, minute), current time (hour, minute, second)
6. Display medium ............................................. Nematic Liquid Crystal, FEM (Field Effect Mode)
7. Battery ............................................................. SEIKO CR2032, 1 piece
8. Battery life ....................................................... Approximately 3 years (or approximately 7 years if the automatic shut-off function is activated)
9. IC (Integrated Circuit) ..................................... C-MOS-LSI, 1 piece
10. Battery life indicator
*The specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement.
*Even though the display is flashing, time accuracy is not affected.
When all the segments of the display start flashing in the TIME/CALENDAR display, or when “ ” mark starts flashing in other displays, the stopwatch may run down
in 2 to 3 days. We suggest that you have the battery replaced by a SEIKO DEALER.

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