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The most common types of television interference are as follows:
Black spots or horizontal lines may appear ; picture may flutter or
drift. Usually caused by interference from automobile ignition
systems, neon lamps, electric drills and other electric appliances.
Ghosts are caused by the television signal following two paths. One
is the direct path and the other is reflected from tall buildings, hills
or other objects. Changing the direction or position of the antenna
may improve the reception.
If you are located on the fringes of a television reception area, the
signal will be weak, and your picture may contain many small dots.
When the signal is extremely weak, it may be necessary to install
an external antenna to improve the picture.
This interference produces moving ripples or diagonal streaks, and
in some cases causes loss of contrast in the picture.
A slight variation in picture size is normal when you adjust the
To prevent fire of shock hazard, disconnect your unit from the AC power source when cleaning.
The finish on the receiver may be cleaned with a dust cloth and cared for as other furniture.
Use caution when cleaning and wiping the plastic parts. Mild soap and a soft, damp cloth may be
: If you subscribe to a cable service and any these symptoms appear, the problem may
be caused by the cable company.
This TV set incorporates a CCD (Closed Caption Decoder) to enable viewing closed captions
and TEXT broadcasts.
Closed caption and TEXT each has 2 channels (CH1 & CH2).
Closed caption and TEXT information can only be viewed if they are being broadcast by a
television station, or contained in a videotape or videodisc.
Press the CCD button to select CCD mode.
After the set is turned on, caption signals will be displayed on screen (if broadcasted) in about
10 seconds. Once activated, the television will always remain in caption mode unless
deactivated by the CCD button.
Captions appear on screen in various positions where they will least interfere with the picture.
Generally captions will be displayed at the top or bottom of the screen.
It is common to see unusual characters or misspelled words appearing in the caption. This is
especially true during a live broadcast as captions are created while the program is in
QUICK VIEW Button : Press Q.VIEW button on the remote control. The previously viewed
channel will appear on the screen. Press Q.VIEW again to switch back to the original channel.
Repeatedly pressing Q.VIEW switches between these two channels.
DISPLAY BUTTON : Press DISPLAY button on the remote control. The channel number of
the program you are viewing, the TIMER settings and the current time are displayed in
The current time remains displayed on the screen, until DISPLAY button is pressed again.
MUTE BUTTON : Press MUTE button on the remote control. The sound of the TV program
being viewed will be reduced to zero and "MUTE" will appear on the screen.
To restore normal sound, press MUTE again.
When any function is displayed on screen, captions cannot be seen. Captions will reappear
after display disappears.
Errors will occur in captioning if the signal is weak or the videotape/videodisc is poorly recorded.
A videotape that has been recorded over numerous times can also cause caption malfunction.
NOTE : Changing the audio volume also restores the sound.

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