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Number mode
Press the keys corresponding to the digits you want.
Symbol mode
Press the number keys corresponding to the symbol you want and press
soft key. You can press
to display more symbols.
Tips for entering text
To move the cursor, press the Navigation keys.
To delete characters one by one, press
. To clear the display, press and
To insert a space between characters, press .
To change case in T9 mode or ABC mode, press .
To enter punctuation marks in T9 mode or ABC mode, press
Sending an SMS message
1. In Idle mode, press the
soft key.
2. Select
Text messages
Write new
3. Enter the message text.
4. Press the
soft key and add items using the following options:
Add objects
: add sounds, images, or animated images.
Add templates
: add text templates.
Add emoticon
: add emoticons.
Add phonebook
: add Phonebook contacts.
Add bookmark
: add bookmark items.
5. Press the
soft key and select
Send only
Save and send
6. If you select
Save and send
, select a memory location.
7. Enter destination numbers.
8. Press the
soft key and select
Send message
to send the
Quick feature reference
This section provides brief explanations of features on your phone.
Menu Description
Menu > Call log
> Missed calls, Received
calls, or Dialled calls
View the most recent calls you have dialled,
received, or missed.
Menu > Call log
> Delete all
Delete the call logs in each call type or all logs
at once.
> Call log
> Call time
View the duration of recent calls you have
dialled and received. Also reset the time
Menu > Call log
> Call cost
View the cost of your calls.
Phonebook > Search Search for contacts in Phonebook.
> New entry
Add a new contact to Phonebook.
> Group search
Search for Phonebook contacts in caller groups.
> Edit group
Select a ringtone and image for incoming calls
and messages from members of a group. Also
change the group name.
> Speed dial
Assign speed dial numbers (2 to 9) for eight of
your most frequently dialled numbers.
> Delete all
Delete all Phonebook contacts stored in the
phone’s memory, on the SIM card, or both.
> Copy all to
Copy all of the contacts stored on the SIM card
to the phone’s memory, or vice versa.
> Memory status
View the total number of Phonebook contacts in
the phone’s memory or on the SIM card.
Access the list of service numbers assigned by
your service provider.
Menu Description
> Network services
Access network services offered by your service
> Sound settings
> Ringtone or Ring volume
Select a ringtone for incoming calls or a volume
Menu > Sound settings
> Alert type
Select an alert type for the call ringer.
Menu > Sound settings
> Keypad tone or Keypad
Select a tone which the phone sounds when
you press a key or a volume level.
> Sound settings
> Message tone
Select the alert ringtone for incoming SMS,
MMS, and broadcast messages, or set how
often you are informed of a new message.
> Sound settings
> Alert on call
Set the phone to alert you when you receive a
new message or when the time for an alarm
comes during a call.
> Sound settings
> Folder tone
Select the tone that the phone sounds when
you open or close the phone.
> Sound settings
> Power on/off
Set the phone to sound when it is switched on
or off.
> Sound settings
> Extra tones
Set additional tones for the phone.
Menu Description
Menu > Messages
> Text messages or
Multimedia messages
> Inbox, Outbox, or Draft
Read received, sent, or saved messages.
Menu > Messages
> Text messages or
Multimedia messages
> Write new
Create and send messages to other mobile
Menu > Messages
> Text messages or
Multimedia messages
> Templates or Emoticon
Preset templates of frequently used messages
or emoticons.
Menu > Messages
> Text messages or
Multimedia messages
> Settings or Setup
Set options for using messaging services.
Menu > Messages
> Text messages or
Multimedia messages
> Delete all
Delete messages in each message box or all
messages at once.
Menu > Messages
> Text messages or
Multimedia messages
> Memory status
Check memory information for messages.
Menu Description
Menu > Messages
> Text messages
> Voice mail
Access your voice mail server and listen to
messages on the network.
Menu > Messages
> Text messages
> Broadcast
Change settings for the service and access
broadcast messages.
Menu > Messages
> Multimedia messages
> MMS profile
Select or configure a connection profile to be
used for MMS.
Menu > Messages
> Push messages
Change the settings for the service and access
or delete push messages.
Menu > Messages
> Configuration messages
Access or delete messages containing network
parameters from your service provider.
Menu > Funbox
> Browser
Launch and configure the web browser.
Menu > Funbox
> Games, Sounds,
or Images
Access games, sounds, or images in your
phone’s memory.
Menu > Funbox
> Delete all
Delete games, sounds, or images in each media
box, or all media files at once.
Menu > Funbox
> Memory status
Check the amount of memory in use for games,
sounds, and images.
Menu > Applications
> Alarm
Set an alarm to sound at a specific time.
Menu Description
Menu > Applications
> Calendar
Keep track of daily or monthly schedule.
Menu > Applications
> Time & Date
Set the current time and date manually and set
your local time zone.
Menu > Applications
> Calculator
Perform basic arithmetic functions.
Menu > Applications
> To do list
Create a list of tasks and assign a deadline to
each task.
Menu > Applications
> Voice memo
Record voice memos and listen to them.
Menu > Applications
> Currency exchange
Do currency conversions.
Menu > Applications
Use a variety of additional services offered by
your service provider.
> FM Radio
Listen to music or news via the FM radio on
your phone. First, you must connect your
phone with the headset, which serves as a
radio antenna.
Menu > Phone settings
> Display settings
Change settings for the display and backlight.
Menu > Phone settings
> Greeting message
Enter the greeting message to be displayed
when the phone is switched on.
Menu Description
Menu > Phone settings
> Own number
Check your phone numbers or assign a name to
Menu > Phone settings
> Language
Select a language to be used for the display
Menu > Phone settings
> Security
Protect the phone against unauthorised use.
> Phone settings
> Security
> Mobile Tracker
Track your phone when it is stolen or lost.
When someone tries to use your phone with
other SIM card, the phone will automatically
send the preset tracking message to your
family or friends. This feature may be
unavailable due to certain features supported
by your service provider.
Menu > Phone settings
> Extra settings
Set the automatic redialling feature or the
answering method.
Menu > Phone settings
> Short cut
Set the Navigation keys as shortcuts to access
your favourite menus directly.
Menu > Phone settings
> Auto answer
Set the phone to automatically answer after a
specified time when you use the headset.
> Phone settings
> Connection settings
Create and customise the profiles containing
the settings for connecting your phone to the
Menu > Phone settings
> Reset settings
Reset the phone to the factory default settings.
Menu Description
Important safety precautions
Read these guidelines before using your wireless phone. Failure to comply with
them may be dangerous or illegal.
Drive safely at all times
Do not use a hand-held phone while driving; park your vehicle first.
Switching off when refuelling
Do not use the phone at a refuelling point (service station) or near fuels or
Switching off in an aircraft
Wireless phones can cause interference. Using them in an aircraft is both illegal
and dangerous.
Switching off near all medical equipment
Hospitals and health care facilities may be using equipment that could be sensitive
to external RF energy. Follow any regulations or rules in force.
All wireless phones may be subject to interference, which could affect their
Special regulations
Follow any special regulations in force in any area and always switch off your phone
whenever it is forbidden to use it.
Water resistance
Your phone is not water-resistant. Keep it dry.
Sensible use
Use only in the normal position (held to your ear). Avoid unnecessary contact with
the antenna when the phone is switched on.
Emergency calls
Key in the emergency number for your present location, then press . Do not
end the call until given permission to do so.
Small children and your phone
Keep the phone and all its parts including accessories out of reach of small
Accessories and batteries
Use only Samsung-approved batteries and accessories, such as headsets and PC
data cables. Use of any unauthorised accessories could damage your phone and
may be dangerous.
Qualified service
Only qualified service personnel may repair your phone.
Correct disposal of this product
(Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment)
(Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with
separate collection systems)
This marking shown on the product or its literature, indicates that it
should not be disposed with other household wastes at the end of its
working life.
Risk of explosion if a battery is replaced by an incorrect type.
Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions.
At very high volume, prolonged listening to a headset can damage
your hearing.
To prevent possible harm to the environment or human health from uncontrolled
waste disposal, please separate this from other types of wastes and recycle it
responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of material resources.
Household users should contact either the retailer where they purchased this
product, or their local government office, for details of where and how they can
take this item for environmentally safe recycling.
Business users should contact their supplier and check the terms and conditions of
the purchase contract. This product should not be mixed with other commercial
wastes for disposal.
SAR information
Your wireless phone is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed and
manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio
frequency (RF) energy set by the European Union (EU) Council. These limits
are part of comprehensive guidelines and establish permitted levels of RF
energy for the general population. The guidelines are based on the safety
standards that were developed by independent scientific organisations
through periodic and thorough evaluation of scientific studies.
The standards include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the
safety of all persons, regardless of age and health.
The exposure standard for wireless phones employs a unit of measurement
known as Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). The SAR limit set by the EU
Council is 2.0W/kg. The highest SAR value for this model phone was
0.729 W/kg.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung b300

Samsung b300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

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