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When the door does
not open
The door does not open when the temperature inside your washing machine is
high or when the tub is filled with water.
When the internal air temperature after a wash is higher than 70 °C or the water
temperature is more than 55 °C.
Wait until the internal temperature has dropped.
When the tub is filled with water.
Select Spin to drain the water. Then you will be able to open the door.
For some models, you can open door when “End” is displayed or the end
melody is played.
If you open the door by force, it may result in damage to the product or safety
When selecting the
Dry function
For the Drying capacity, 1/3 of the wash capacity is reasonable. The maximum
drying rate is 95%.
If you insert more than the maximum drying capacity specified in the user
manual, the drying performance may decrease.
Remove and shake out the laundry. Heat and moisture is removed and the
laundry will be dry.
When inserting
fabric softener
If fabric softener is inserted above the reference line (MAX) of the
fabric softener compartment, fabric softener may enter directly
into the tub.
Insert fabric softener only up to the reference line (MAX) so
that it does not overflow.
If the rinse cap (hereafter cap) is not inserted correctly or there
is foreign material in the cap when using concentrated fabric
softener (liquid fabric softener of a high viscosity), fabric softener
or water may remain.
Check whether the cap is correctly inserted into the detergent
compartment where the fabric softener is inserted.
Open the detergent compartment and press the removal
button inside. Remove and clean it.
When the wash time
The wash time may increase if an unbalance is detected with the load, the
machine will automatically try to balance the load. This process may extend
the wash program time.
Press the Start/Pause button and then check the laundry status. Spread the
laundry evenly and perform the course again.
If any error message other than the following error messages is displayed, refer to the user manual.
Indication Symptom Action
When the door is
Is the door opened?
Make sure to operate your washing machine after closing the
When no water is
Is the tap closed?
Turn on the tap.
Is the filter net of the water supply hose connector blocked?
Remove and clean the filter net of the water supply hose.
When the water does
not drain
Is the drain filter blocked?
Clean the drain filter.
Is the washing machine frozen because of the cold weather?
Add hot water into the tub and let it defrost for about one hour.
When the internal
temperature of the
drum is high
Did the washing machine pause while drying or performing an air
The cooling fan operates automatically. Therefore wait until the
‘Hot’ indication disappears.
Only the Power and Start/Pause buttons operate while the ‘Hot’
indication displays.
When the internal temperature of the drum is high, the door
does not open. If you open the door by force, it may result in
product damage and safety issues. Therefore wait until the
temperature has dropped.
When water does not
drain because the
internal temperature
does not drop below
55 °C even if thirty
minutes has passed
after the wash has
Have the cold and hot water supply hoses been mixed up?
Connect the cold and hot water supply hoses correctly.
Operate your washing machine again by pressing the Start/
Pause button.
DC68-02209B_EN_DE_FR_ES_IT_PT_RU.indd 2 2008-03-19 ¿ÀÈÄ 3:03:51

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung WF8604NE

Samsung WF8604NE Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 34 pagina's

Samsung WF8604NE Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 36 pagina's

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