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Safety information _2
The glass door becomes very hot during the washing cycle. Keep children away from the
appliance while it is in use.
Do not attempt to repair the appliance yourself. Repairs made by inexperienced or
unqualified persons may cause injury and/or make more serious repairs to the appliance
If the plug (power supply cord) is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its
service agent or a similar qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.
This appliance should only be serviced by an authorized service center, and only genuine
spare parts should be used.
This appliance is not intended for use by young children or infirm persons unless they
have been adequately supervised by a responsible person to ensure that they can use the
appliance safely. Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with
the appliance.
This appliance has to be connected to the plug endurable to proper power consumption.
This appliance has to be positioned so that the plug is accessible after installation.
Do not use processed water containing oil, cream or lotion, which is usually found in skin-
care shops or massage clinics.
Otherwise this will cause the packing to be deformed, which causes a malfunction or
water leak.
A stainless washing tube does not usually rust. However if some metal such as a hair pin is
left in the tube for an extended time, the tube could rust.
Do not leave water or bleach containing chlorine in the tube for an extended period of
Do not regularly use or leave water containing iron in the tube for an extended period of
If rust starts appearing on the surface of the tube, apply a cleansing agent (neutral) to
the surface and use a sponge or soft cloth to clean it. (Under no circumstances use a
metal brush)
For washing machines with ventilation openings in the base, that a carpet must not
obstruct the openings.
Use the new hose-sets and old hose-sets should not be reused.
This marking shown on the product or its literature, indicates that it should not be disposed
with other household wastes at the end of its working life. To prevent possible harm to
the environment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal, please separate this
from other types of wastes and recycle it responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse
of material resources. Household users should contact either the retailer where they
purchased this product, or their local government office, for details of where and how they
can take this item for environmentally safe recycling. Business users should contact their
supplier and check the terms and conditions of the purchase contract. This product should
not be mixed with other commercial wastes for disposal.
WF7704NAW-02450J_EN.indd 2 2007-07-13 ¿ÀÈÄ 6:46:41

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung WF7700NA

Samsung WF7700NA Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 20 pagina's

Samsung WF7700NA Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 20 pagina's

Samsung WF7700NA Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 20 pagina's

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