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Creating Your Samsung Account
If you have Samsung account, you can use Smart Hub easily.
Press the button on the remote control, Press the red
button on the remote
control to display the Login window.
% When using the Smart Touch Control, press the RETURN
button to close the
button screen and use.
When the Login window appears, select the Create Account button.
Move to the Samsung account field, and then press the
button. A window appears
with an entry screen and a keypad. The ID must be a valid e-mail address in the
following format: sample@sample.com or sample@sample.net. The same password in
the confirm password field in the same fashion.
% If you have a Bluetooth or USB keyboard connected to the TV, enter your e-mail
address using a Bluetooth or USB keyboard. When done, enter the password in the
same way.
After entering all items, move to the Create Account item, and then the
Your account will be created.
What is Samsung Account? A Samsung Account is an integrated
membership account that lets you access all the services provided
by Samsung through a single registered account.
Samsung account
Press [Enter]
Press [Enter]
Remember my password
Sign me in automatically
Face Recognition Mode
Create Account
Using Smart Hub, you can stream movies, videos, and music from the Internet, access various for pay or free of-charge applications and
view them on your TV.
Application content includes news, sports, weather forecasts, stock market quotes, maps, photos, and games.
For more detailed information about Smart Hub, see “Smart Hub” in e-Manual.
% The illustration of the manual may vary from the actual shape partially.
Method 1
Press the button on the remote control.
Method 2
Smart Hub
Smart Hub
Face recognition
Face recognition lets you register your face with your Samsung account so that you can log into your Smart Hub account using the Face
recognition function without inputting your account ID or your account password.
% In order for Face recognition to function, a thumbnail image of your face will be stored in your TV for logging-in purposes.
% If you use Face recognition to log into Smart Hub, it may be less secure than logging in with an ID and password.
Method 1 (When your Samsung
account is logged in the Smart Hub)
Account Manager
Change account information
Register Face
Method 2 (When your Samsung
account is not logged in the Smart Hub)
Face Recognition Mode
Face recognition
To register your face in your Samsung account
Press the
button on the remote control, and then select Settings.
Select Account Manager
Change account information.
Select Register Face. A pop-up message appears. If you agree to use Face
recognition, select OK.
% The lighting of environment , and degree of lightness or darkness of a recognized
face to face, depending on your TV may not be able to recognize exactly.
Account Manager
Service Manager
About Smart Hub
[Smart TV QSG-XN ZF]BN68-04471F-01L04.indb 5 2012-05-16 오전 11:37:29

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung UE55ES7000

Samsung UE55ES7000 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 23 pagina's

Samsung UE55ES7000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 944 pagina's

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