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English - 37
Before contacting the Samsung after-sales service, perform the following simple checks.
If you cannot solve the problem using the instructions below, note the model and serial number of
the television and contact your local dealer.
No sound or picture
Check that the mains lead has been connected to a wall socket.
Check that you have pressed the (Power) button (On/Off) on the front panel or press the POWER
button on the remote control.
Check the picture contrast and brightness settings.
Check the volume.
Check if TV Speaker is set to Off.
Normal picture but no sound
Check the volume.
Check whether the volume MUTE button on the remote control has been pressed.
No picture or black and white picture
Adjust the colour settings.
Check that the broadcast system selected is correct.
Sound and picture interference
Try to identify the electrical appliance that is affecting the television, then move it further away.
Plug the television into a different main socket.
Blurred or snowy picture, distorted sound
Check the direction, location and connections of your aerial.
This interference often occurs due to the use of an indoor aerial.
Remote control malfunctions
Replace the remote control batteries.
Clean the upper edge of the remote control (transmission window).
Check that the “+” and “–” ends of the batteries are inserted correctly.
Check that the batteries are drained.
Screen is black and power indicator light blinks steadily
On your computer check; Power, Signal Cable.
The TV is using its power management system.
Move the computers mouse or press any key on the keyboard.
On your equipment check (STB, DVD, etc) ; Power, Signal Cable.
The TV is using its power management system.
Press the Source button on the panel or remote control.
Turn the TV off and on.
The damaged picture appears in the corner of the screen.
If Just Scan is selected in some external devices, the damaged picture may appear in the corner of
the screen. This symptom is caused by external devices, not TV.
The “Resets all settings to the default values” message appears.
This appears when you press and hold the EXIT button for a while. The product settings are reset to
the factory defaults.
BN68-01448A.indb 37 2008-03-31 오후 6:16:12

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