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Menu function
You can easily customize the
settings to your liking.
Navigation function
(MP3(WMA)-CD Only)
You can easily scan and select a file
on an MP3(WMA)-CD.
Safety Warning .................................................................3
Buttons and Controls........................................................5
Preparation before using your unit ...................................9
How to Connect..........................................................9
Using the rechargeable batteries (not supplied) ......10
Using standard batteries (not supplied) ...................11
CD Playback...................................................................12
MP3(WMA)-CD Playback...............................................13
Skip/Search function ......................................................14
MENU function ...............................................................15
EQ function.....................................................................16
DISPLAY function ...........................................................17
SCROLL SPEED......................................................17
TAG .................................................................18
LCD CONTRAST .....................................................18
SYSTEM function ...........................................................19
LANGUAGE .............................................................20
RESUME ..................................................................21
CD VEOS .................................................................21
DEFAULT .................................................................22
REPEAT function............................................................23
+10/DIR function.............................................................24
NAVIGATION function ....................................................25
In the stop mode ......................................................25
During Playback .......................................................26
Program function ............................................................27
To confirm the program ............................................28
To change the program ............................................28
To cancel the program mode ...................................28
Listening to FM Radio ....................................................29
To select the desired radio station ...........................30
Presetting Stations in Memory (Memory function)...30
Tuning in to a Preset Station....................................30
Features .........................................................................31
Precautions when using compact discs .........................32
Troubleshooting Guide ...................................................33
Specifications .................................................................34
Main Features Contents
What is MP3?
VEOS function
The VEOS function ensures high
resistance to shock or vibration so
that the sound signal remains
Resume function
(MP3(WMA)-CD Only)
The Resume function allows you to
resume playback from the start of the
track that you last listened to.
MP3 means MPEG1 Layer 3, the global standard for audio signal compression technology.
It uses digital compression technology to compress original sound data by up to 12 times
without sound quality degradation.
What is WMA?
WMA (Windows Media Audio) is a file format, created by Microsoft, that offers a higher
compression rate and just as good sound quality as MP3.
Typical MP3 files are about one-tenth the size of the original, whereas WMA files are
about half the size of standard MP3.
Random function
The Random function allows you to
play tracks in random order.
Directory function
(MP3(WMA)-CD Only)
The Dirtctory function allows easy
browsing and searching of your
favorite tunes by album name,
title and artist.
FM Radio function
You can listen to FM radio using
various functions such as the
automatic tuning, preset FM
stations, and etc.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung MCDCF300

Samsung MCDCF300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanôl - 18 pagina's

Samsung MCDCF300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Polski - 18 pagina's

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