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Warning! Important Safety Instructions
Please read the appropriate section that corresponds to the marking on your Samsung product before attempting to install the product.
This symbol indicates that high voltage is present
inside. It is dangerous to make any kind of contact
with any internal part of this product.
This symbol alerts you that important literature
concerning operation and maintenance has been
included with this product.
The slots and openings in the cabinet and in the back or bottom are provided for necessary ventilation.
To ensure reliable operation of this apparatus, and to protect it from overheating, these slots and openings must never be blocked or
Do not cover the slots and openings with a cloth or other materials.
Do not block the slots and openings by placing this apparatus on a bed, sofa, rug or other similar surface.
Do not place this apparatus in a conned space, such as a bookcase, or built-in cabinet, unless proper ventilation is provided.
Give your product 10 cm (4 inch) clearance from the wall.
Do not place this apparatus near or over a radiator or heat resistor, or where it is exposed to direct sunlight.
Do not place heat generating items such as candles, ashtrays, incense, ammable gas or explosive materials near the product.
Do not place a water containing vessel on this apparatus, as this can result in a risk of re or electric shock.
Do not expose this apparatus to rain or place it near water(near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub, in a wet
basement, or near a swimming pool etc.). If this apparatus accidentally gets wet, unplug it and contact an authorized dealer
immediately. Make sure to pull out the power cord from the outlet before cleaning.
This apparatus use batteries. In your community there might be regulations that require you to dispose of these batteries properly
under environmental considerations. Please contact your local authorities for disposal or recycling information.
Do not overload wall outlets, extension cords or adaptors beyond their capacity, since this can result in re or electric shock.
Power-supply cords should be routed so that they are not likely to be walked on or pinched by items placed upon or against them,
paying particular attention to cords at plug end, adaptors and the point where they exit from the appliance.
To protect this apparatus from a lightning storm, or when it is left unattended and unused for long periods of time, unplug it from the
wall outlet and disconnect the antenna or cable system.
This will prevent damage to the set due to lightning and power line surges.
Before connecting the AC power cord to the DC adaptor outlet, make sure the voltage designation of the DC adaptor corresponds to
the local electrical supply.
Never insert anything metallic into the open parts of this apparatus. Doing so many create a danger of electric shock.
To avoid electric shock, never touch the inside of this apparatus. Only a qualied technician should open this apparatus.
Make sure to plug the power cord in until it is rmly inserted. When removing the power cord, make sure to hold the power plug
when pulling the plug from the outlet. Do not touch the power cord with wet hands.
If this apparatus does not operate normally - in particular, if there are any unusual sounds or smells coming from it
unplug it immediately and contact an authorized dealer or service center.
Be sure to pull the power plug out of the outlet if the TV is to remain unused or if you are to leave the house for an extended period
of time (especially when children, elderly or disabled people will be left alone in the house).
Accumulated dust can cause an electric shock, an electric leakage or a re by causing the power cord to generate sparks and heat
or the insulation to deteriorate.
Be sure to contact an authorized service center, when installing your set in a location with heavy dust, high or low temperatures,high
humidity, chemical substances and where it operates for 24 hours such as the airport, the train station etc. Failure to do so may
cause serious damage to your set.
Use only a properly grounded plug and receptacle.
An improper ground may cause electric shock or equipment damage. (Class l Equipment only.)
To disconnect the apparatus from the mains, the plug must be pulled out from the mains socket, therefore the mains plug shall be
readily operable.
Do not allow children to hang onto the product.
Store the accessories (battery, etc.) in a location safely out of the reach of children.
Do not install the product in an unstable location such as a shaky self, a slanted oor or a location exposed to vibration.
Do not drop or impart any shock to the product. If the product is damaged, disconnect the power cord and contact a service center.
Warranty Card.indd 49 2009-02-13 �� 11:41:05

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung LE40B652

Samsung LE40B652 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 303 pagina's

Samsung LE40B652 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 354 pagina's

Samsung LE40B652 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, English, Français - 303 pagina's

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