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Please make sure the following items are included with your TV. If any items are missing, contact your dealer.
The items’ colours and shapes may vary depending on the models.
y Remote Control & Batteries (AAA x 2)
y Owner’s Instructions
y Warranty Card / Safety Guide (Not available in some locations)
y Power Cord
y Cleaning Cloth
See separate guide for installing the stand.
19”, 22”, 26” : M4 X L16 (3EA)
y Screws
An administration fee may be charged if either
(a) an engineer is called out at your request and there is no defect in the product
(i.e. where you have failed to read this user manual)
(b) you bring the unit to a repair centre and there is no defect in the product
(i.e. where you have failed to read this user manual).
The amount of such administration charge will be advised to you before any work or home visit is carried out.
Viewing the Control Panel
The product colour and shape may vary depending on the model.
Control Panel
Remote control sensor Aim the remote control towards this spot on the TV.
Power Indicator Blinks and turns off when the power is on and lights up in standby mode.
Toggles between all the available input sources. In the on-screen menu, use this
button as you would use the ENTER
button on the remote control.
MENU Displays an on-screen menu, the OSD (on screen display) of your TV’s features.
Adjusts the volume. In the OSD, use the
buttons as you would use the
and buttons on the remote control.
Changes the channels. In the OSD, use the
buttons as you would use the
and buttons on the remote control.
Turns the TV on or off.
Standby mode
Do not leave your TV in standby mode for long periods of time (when you are away on a holiday, for example). A small amount
of electric power is still consumed even when the power button is turned off. It is best to unplug the power cord.
[LD450-XN ZF]BN68-03394E-L04.indb 3 2011-03-07 �� 3:51:50

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung LE 32D450

Samsung LE 32D450 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 123 pagina's

Samsung LE 32D450 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 125 pagina's

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